交货的项目类别有多种,常见的有用于销售订单的(SO)的外向交货单、用向采购订单的(PO)的内向交货单,维护时以凭证类别(SD document category)加以区别,项目明细的维护字段有所差异。内向交货单(凭证类别设为7)明细字段里有移动类型(Movement Type)条目;而外向交货(凭证类别设为J)的移动类别由销售订单(SO)的计划行...
意思就是ZPR0这种condition type 出现的条件是,item categry里的pricing选项要是B或者X。 ItemcategoryTANN的是空白,所以价格无法出现。 以上的做法适合于免费订单不是经常发生,以及操作人员熟悉操作,清楚要选择的免费itemcategory。 否则的话建议另外创建一个SO订单类型专门用于免费订单。 把标准的订单类型复制一个,ZOR。
Billing Document 中的Item是从SO的Item拷贝过来的。 Item category会去决定Billing是与Order相关还是与Delivery 相关。Billing Relevance A代表是与Delivery相关,所以要根据Delivery建立Billing。Billing Type是通过SO type来决定的, 我们也可以在建Billing的时 7、候对type进行修改。如果选默认值, 那么Billing Type会从...
Billing Document中的Item是从SO的Item拷贝过来的。Item category会去决定Billing是与Order有关依旧与Delivery有关。 Billing Relevance A代表是与Delivery有关,因此要按照Delivery建立Billing。 Billing Type是通过SO type来决定的,我们也能够在建Billing的时候对type进行修改。 如果选默认值,那么Billing Type会从Sales Ord...
Item category: Example stock or non-stock item 行项目类别比如stock或者non-stock 行项目 All item categories in the configuration are collapsed in the standard system. Deselect for the item categories you do not want to be displayed.配置中的所有行项目类别在标准系统中是被折叠的。对于不希望显示的行...
2,Confirmation of service还可能会在如下场景里出现,比如一些服务的销售。我们定义了服务物料号,将服务料号写在销售订单里。相关的schedule item category的定义里(VOV6)不设置移动类型。 如果相应的SO item出现在Delivery里,当我们对交货单在VL02N里做了PGI过账后,SAP系统并不会产生物料凭证号,而是会出现confirmation...
For variants that are required to create material variants frequently, which can be produced without a sales order and kept in stock. When a sales order is received, it is possible to check whether the variant required is in stock, so that it can be delivered immediately. 对于需要频繁创建物...
For variants that are required to create material variants frequently, which can be produced without a sales order and kept in stock. When a sales order is received, it is possible to check whether the variant required is in stock, so that it can be delivered immediately. 对于需要频繁创建物...
I did so many configuration settings in SPRO, but still error message is popping up "Item Category Not Defined". If it's possible to send the screen shots for the solution, please do that. I am unable to proceed further coz of this error. My mail id is : vrmanisowmya@gmail.com I...
With the item category "service", screens are displayed on which you can create and set up a hierarchical structure for detailed service specifications Account assignment Category: The account assignment category determines which account assignment data (such as cost center, account number and so on)...