SAP.OnaPC,theiconnameandkeyboardshortcutaredisplayedwhenyouplacethemouse overtheicon. Note:KeyboardshortcutsmaybedifferentforthesameicondependingupontheSAPscreen youarein. MACNote:TheMacdoesnotdisplaykeyboardshortcuts,butthekeysfunctionthesameasona
SAP_Shortcut_Keys KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Instead of an SAP icon button, you can use a keyboard shortcut. A keyboard shortcut is a key or combination of keys that you can use to access icon button functions while you are working in SAP. On a PC, the icon name and keyboard shortcut are...
Command Indirect Shortcut Direct Shortcut New Project Alt+P, Alt+N Ctrl+N Open Project Alt+P, Alt+O Ctrl+O Save Alt+P, Alt+S Ctrl+S Save As Alt+P, Alt+A Close Project Alt+P, Alt+C Options Alt+P, Alt+T Errors in Project Alt+P, Alt+R Make All Alt+P, Alt+M...
If you prefer to use the YaST wizard, you can use the shortcut yast sap_ha to start the module. The procedure to set up SAPHanaSR using YaST is described in the product documentation of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications in section Setting Up an SAP HANA Cluster at https...
(Error: ERR_WIS_30270) happens when refreshing a Web Intelligence document with Query Stripping enabled 0002432473 Incorrect SQL generated with context and Shortcut Join in Information Design Tool 0002432510 The Web Intelligence HTML Interface does not correctly use the saved preference "Prioritize the ...
Fromyourremotedesktop,accessSAPBusinessObjectsInter(IC)byclickingontheICshortcut: ConnecttoSAPBusinessObjectsInterasuserBPC_XX.PasswordWelcome! 2.It’sshownonthescreenthattherelationshipstatusbetweenDEandpartnerUKforthereconciliation period2010.12iscurrentlyun-reconciledbecausethecalculateddifferenceingroupcurrencyis256...
cds.upsert as shortcut for cds.db.upsert Automatic deletion of stale drafts. Feature is enabled if cds.env.fiori.deletionTimeout is set to a value of true; true uses the default timeout of 30d (30 days). Support for default exports (ESM/TS) in custom authentication Support for executing...
Direct links are a way for administrators to provide Users a shortcut to a specific place (page) in the User interface. The direct links can be generated, copied, and pasted either into a notification template or directly into an email message being crafted out side SuccessFactors Learning....