My client doesn't have the storage in their premises, so they want to introduce the Two step Stock in transit in place of Mov type 411k as FI document need to generate once received at w... yesterday | Posted in Supply Chain Management Q&A Swetha24 Discoverer 60 2 0 how to ...
1.业务财务系统接口功能1.1 功能简介核心业务系统日常业务会产生业务费用,这些费用要及时准确的导入财务系 统,按照核算规则生成凭证,这就是核心业务系统和财务系统接口主要功能。1.2 业务费用生成接口数据从业务费用生成接口数据,可以采取两种
FIAMT 税务局 STADT 市政府 GRUND 手工评价原因 FEINS 范围单位 GRUFL 范围 INVNR 存货号 VBUND 贸易伙伴 SPRAS 语言代码 TXT50 描述 TXA50 附加描述 XLTXID 长文本存在 XVERID 长文本存在 XTCHID 技术视图长文本 XKALID 长文本:C-科目视图 XHERID 长文本存在 XLEAID 长文本存在 LEAFI 租赁公司 LVDAT ...
44、付方式用户退出FICT0001 Exits for in ter-compa ny tran sacti onsFIPAYM01 为 IDoc FIPARQ01 用户退出FITR0001 用户退出:删除/重组旅行统计FITR0002 用户退出:创建/更改旅行统计FITR0003 用户退出:保存旅行(PR01, PR04, PR05FITR0005FLC10001 FI-LC - entry - upload programs - RGCPCU40FMC10000 ...
2.后勤常规18 2.1 维护物料管理的公司代码18 2.2 定义物料类型的属性19 2.3定义每个物料类型的号码...
Sjnptec hjdw bf Pa/mnt 5tit 5nclin 凭证FI舄 N ET£c|jdrigifltT|ijdhg [nd, 护曰舄 STfrSflia 益怡头坯二> 4 戸击比刘■早冃 V 点进入下一屏幕: 豐IB S 也<■?菲 宅勺 £1君曲因 吐n右⑤- ;OJC^plOOOOO]47Jmnnn 14A过惴日期cOU ⑤- ;OJC^plOOOOO]47 Jmnnn 14A 过惴日期 cOU...
proc. FI/CO documen WPUK SAPMWPUK POS simulation WPUS SAPMWPUK Simulation: Inbound Processing WPUW SAPMWPUK Goods movements simulation WP00 MENUWP00 Sales and Operations Planning WQ00 MENUWQ00 Value and Quota Scales Appl. Menu WQ01 SAPMWMVC Create Value Scale WQ02 SAPMWMVC Change Value ...
FI-AA-IS 3302691 Checkman issue in RAANLA_ALV01 FI-CF-AC 3276638 S/4 Initial Load: Dump occurs during the document posting of reversal for BSTAT = ‘U’ documents FI-FIO-GL 3302512 Manage Journal Entries – field ‘Production Month’ is exported in wrong format FI-GL-FL 3294808 Function...
with Bal. Sheet Acct in FI| |Bal. Reconcil.: Gen. Ldgr / Material| |C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Company Code| |C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Fiscal Year | |Integ.Planning for Sec. CostElements| |Balance Carryforward: Plan Data | |Number Range Maint. for Plan Docs | |Activation of ...
More info: You have to define the user-specific coding in the Include program. The Include ZXFMCIU05 is planned for the function module EXIT_SAPSFMMD_018. SAPLFMDT Enhancement for the FM derivation tool More info: This enhancement contains all the user exits used in theFM Derivation Tool....