SET PF-STATUS 'TEST'. WRITE: 'PF-Status:', sy-pfkey. AT LINE-SELECTION. IF sy-lsind = 20. SET PF-STATUS 'TEST' EXCLUDING fcode. ENDIF. WRITE: 'Line-Selection, SY-LSIND:', sy-lsind, / ' SY-PFKEY:', sy-pfkey. AT USER-COMMAND. IF sy-lsind = 20. SET PF-STATUS 'TEST' EXCL...
i_callback_pf_status_set = ‘PF_STATUS_SET’ i_callback_user_command = ‘USER_COMMAND’ 出口程序触发事件对应子程序: FORM PF_STATUS_SET USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab. FORM user_command USING ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm selfield TYPE slis_selfield. 系统按钮功能码: 功能代码: 函数文本: 图标...
24. In regard to SET PF-STATUS, you can deactivate unwanted function codes by using ___. A: EXCLUDING B: IMMEDIATELY C: WITHOUT D: HIDE 25. In regard to data transported in PAI when the FIELD statement is used, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A...
SET PF-STATUS stat [OF PROGRAM prog] [EXCLUDING f|itab]. This statement defines the user interface for all subsequent screens of a screen sequence until another dialog status is set using a new SET PF-STATUSstatement. The dialog status stat must be a component of the current ABAP program,...
SET PF-STATUSSets the GUI status. SyntaxSET PF-STATUS <stat> [EXCLUDING <f>|] [IMMEDIATELY] [OF PROGRAM <prog>]. Sets the GUI status <stat> for the subsequent screens. The EXCLUDING addition allows you to deactivate functions dynamically. The IMMEDIATELY addition sets the GUI status of...
This method allows you to modify the selectable functions of a status easily at runtime. Example DATA: itab TYPE TABLE OF sy-ucomm. APPEND 'DELE' TO itab. APPEND 'PICK' TO itab. SET PF-STATUS 'STA3' EXCLUDING itab. Sets the status STA3 which renders the functions with the...
SET PF-STATUS stat [EXCLUDING f|itab] [OF PROGRAM prog] [IMMEDIATELY].This statement sets the status stat for the current output list. The dialog status stat must be defined for the current program, unless you have used the OF PROGRAM addition to set a status from another program prog....
stab_status USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab ##CALLED.SET PF-STATUS 'STA_PSHOW' EXCLUDING rt_extab.ENDFORM."dtl_status*&---**&SET Fieldcat*&---*FORM catset1 TABLES t_fldcat USING pv_field pv_reftab pv_reffld pv_text.DATA:ls_fldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat.ls_fldcat-fieldname=pv_...
For example the button for reading the documentation of an ABAP is shown dynamically only if there is a documenation available. I have tried several methods at SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT - SET PF-STATUS EXCLUDING 'FC0x' : no reaction - Blanking the icon via CLEAR: SSCRFIELDS-FUNCTXT: Result ...
set pf-status 'MAIN'.***If a song is playing set the author and title into the***Title bar, otherwise give a generic title if global_author is initial and global_title is initial. set titlebar '101'. else. set titlebar '100' with global_author global_title. endif.***If this ...