Hello All, I have a table control on a custom screen with all the fields from table T024. All the fields have to be displayed in editable mode, except Purch. Grp
In the Table Name row, select . In the Field values pane, in the Value Intrvl section, enter the following table values in the 'From' column. /MIAPM/* CRHD JEST PRPS T353I_T TGSBT AFVV CRTX JSTO QMEL T356_P TJ02 AFKO CSKT KLAH QMFE T356_T TJ02T AFRU CVERS KSML QMMA...
In the Table Name row, select . In the Field values pane, in the Value Intrvl section, enter the following table values in the 'From' column. /MIAPM/* CRHD JEST PRPS T353I_T TGSBT AFVV CRTX JSTO QMEL T356_P TJ02 AFKO CSKT KLAH QMFE T356_T TJ02T AFRU CVERS KSML QMMA...
1, 要查看指定用户建立或修改的文档, 用SE80进入OBJECT NAVIGATOR界面,选择TRANSPORT ORGANIZER ,选定查看的用户.此功能等同于: SE09. 2, 定义内表与工作区最方便的方法.起先: DATA: ITAB TYPE TABLE OF MARA. 然后: DATA: WA LIKE LINE OF ITAB. 3, QUICKVIEWER所生成的报表是用户自定义的报表,只能由此...
t024e采购组织采购组织与工厂的关系采购组织与工厂是多对多的关系但是如果采购组织已经分配给公司代码后则只能分配该公司代码下的工厂给采购组织t024w工厂的有效采购组织不能根据字段在前台所属的物料视图来确定相应的数据表一定要使用f1技术信息 SAP_常用业务数据表 分类:SAP-ALLABAPSAP-TABLE2011-08-17 11:462248人...
EDIDSEDI status record EDPARConvert External < > Internal Partner Number EDPVWEDI partner types EDPI1EDI partner profile inbound EDPO1/2/3EDI partner profile outbound 2.2.8 CDHDRChange document header CDPOSChange document positionen JCDSChange Documents for System/User Statuses (Table JEST) 2.2....
2 ,用SELECT把多行选择到内表: SELECT …..INTO/APPENDING TABLE ITAB. 如果希望不覆盖原来的内表数据,则使用APPENDING. 3 ,SAP应用服务器文件及目录可以通过事务代码:AL11进行浏览. 4 ,要显示END-OF-PAGE事件的页脚内容,需在LINE-COUNT LENGTH后加上[(FOOTER-LENGTH)], 指定预留的页脚行数,eg: line-count...
1 Customising 1.1 General settings 1.1.1 Countries T005 Countries 1.1.2 Currency TCURC Currency codes TCURR Wisselkoersen TCURT Currency name TCURX Decimal places for currencies. 1.1. ...
A few examples on how combining multiple Premium SSD v2 disks with a stripe set could impact the requirement to provision more IOPS or throughput for /hana/data is displayed in this table:Proširi tabelu VM SKURAMnumber of disksindividual disk capacityProposed IOPSDefault IOPS provisionedExtra...
Your table doesn't have colors? Mine does. It could be a problem with the template that you specify in the WWW_HTML_FROM_LISTOBJECT. Former Member 2004 Oct 19 1:24 AM 0 Kudos Great coding and it works out-of-the-box!Copy&Paste... 😉Would it be possible to parse the ...