SE09 is the transaction code for workbench organiser.Workbench organiser is the set of utilities for development change management.All Development changes are tracked via Workbench organiser. SE10 is for Customosing organiser.Customising organiser is the set of tools for customising change management....
SE01:- it is used to create new cts manually. SE09:- If we want to do any changes in CTS we will go for SE09 T_code. SE10:- if we want to release CTS we will go for SE10 T_code. Reward points if useful. Thanks & Regards, Vasudeva Rao. Reply Former Member 2007...
SE01 is the main screen of the Change and transport Organizer. From here the administrator can acheive all tasks related to transport requests - such as create, change, view logs, display client/delivery transports, etc. SE09 and SE10 can also be accessed from here. However, not all develo...
Go to solution Former Member on 2007 Dec 04 0 Kudos 134 SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hi friends, I know SE09 is Technical level SE10 is Functional level What is main diff:b/w SE09 and SE10? Regards, Chandra.Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answ...
SE01 is the main screen of the Change and transport Organizer. From here the administrator can acheive all tasks related to transport requests - such as create, change, view logs, display client/delivery transports, etc. SE09 and SE10 can also be accessed from here. However, not all develo...
SE07 Transport System Status Display 传输系统状态显示 SE09 - Workbench Organizer 工作平台组织者 SE10 - New Transport & Correction screen 自己定义组织者 SE11 - ABAP/4 Dictionary Maintenance SE12 ABAP/4 Dictionary Display SE13 Maintain Technical Settings (Tables) SE12 - Dictionary: Initial Screen ...
10、se Master Record显示仓库主记录LS04Display Empty Storage Bins显示空仓位LS05Generate Storage Bins 生成仓位LS06Block Storage Bins 冻结仓位LS07Block Quants 冻结份LS08Block Storage Bins per Aisle冻结每一通道的仓位LS09Display Material Data for Stor.Type显示仓储类型的物料数据LS11Change storage bins (...
Report RLLL07SE: Stock Prodi变动报表 RLLL07SE 库存产品OMLA Putaway Near Picki ng Bin 邻近领货仓位堆放OMLB : Critical TOs限定 TOOMLC : Critical TRs限定 TROMLD : Critical Post. Chge Notices限定过帐改变通知OMLE Critical Deliveries :限定交货 31、OMLF Negative Stocks 负: 库存OMLG Stocks ...
1)使用SE18,输入该BADI名称后,选择Interface,然后查看对应的接口实施样例代码(Example implementation clasee) 2)使用SE19,对该BADI接口实现(第一次实现接口要选择创建Create Implementation) SE18 is used for creating BADI Definition SE 19 is used for implementing BADI ...