Material masterdata Customer masterdata (客户账户组的销售数据) Path: 财务会计-应收账目和应付账目-客户账户-主数据-创建客户主记录准备-定义带有屏幕格式的账户组(客户) 设置必填/选填/显示属性 Shipment Set Mount point (装载点,发货单中可以注明装载点) Set & Assign Shipping point (起运点 - 一个工厂可...
在SAP 企业管理软件中,Master Data(主数据)和 Transaction Data(事务数据)是两个关键概念。了解这两个概念对于掌握 SAP 系统如何运作至关重要。Master Data 是企业运行过程中反复使用的基本数据,而 Transaction Data 是描述企业日常运营活动的详细信息。 Master Data(主数据) 主数据是指企业在其业务运作过程中反复使用...
在 SAP 企业管理软件中,Master Data(主数据)和 Transaction Data(事务数据)是两个关键概念。了解这两个概念对于掌握 SAP 系统如何运作至关重要。Master Data 是企业运行过程中反复使用的基本数据,而 Transaction Data 是描述企业日常运营活动的详细信息。 Master Data(主数据) 主数据是指企业在其业务运作过程中反...
在SAP 企业管理软件中,Master Data(主数据)和 Transaction Data(事务数据)是两个关键概念。了解这两个概念对于掌握 SAP 系统如何运作至关重要。Master Data 是企业运行过程中反复使用的基本数据,而 Transaction Data 是描述企业日常运营活动的详细信息。 Master Data(主数据) 主数据是指企业在其业务运作过程中反复使用...
SAP-SD2: Master Data 转载▼ Customer Master Records You can copy data from several sources into a SO or into another SD document. Most of the data from various sources are default values you can overwrite in the SD document if necessary. ...
SAP Customer Master Data and Master Data Management is of core importance in SAP. A transaction’s accuracy is based on correct and accurate Master Data. If the Master Data is not maintained in the SAP system, transactions cannot be performed. If the Master Data is not properly and accurate...
SAPSD模块全英文介绍 CustomerMasterData ▪CustomerMaster -Containsalloftheinformationnecessaryforprocessingorders,deliveries,invoicesandcustomerpayment -EverycustomerMUSThaveamasterrecord ▪CreatedbySalesArea -SalesOrganization-DistributionChannel-Division SAPSD模块全英文介绍 CustomerMasterData ▪Thecustomermaster...
物料主数据(Material Master Data)(TCODE:MM01/MM02)物料主数据中和价格相关的字段都在"销售:销售组织数据1" (Sales: SalesOrg 1) 和"销售:销售组织数据2" (Sales:SalesOrg2) 屏幕中。税分类(Tax classification):Indicates to what extent the material is liable for sales taxes. 参见"销售:销售组织数据...
Application Customizing (FI-AR, SD) In addition to the deletion flag, a series of other prerequisites must be met so that you can archive customer master data. For more information about the checks performed by the system during archiving, see Checks (FI-AR, SD) . ...
Transaction code XD01 creates general and centeral customer master views of the customer master data. It can be used in SD as well as in Finance. Configuration Steps Step 1: –Execute tcode “VD01” on SAP easy access screen. Step 2 : –The initial screen ofcustomer createappears, update...