Item level:301—Check 将要用来Copy的Item是否有reject的原因或者完成状态; Schedule line level:501—保证只有open Quantity大于0的部分会Copy; 注意:Routines和Requirements是用ABAP/4代码写的,且能够通过修改系统的方式在SD配置中进行处理,首先应该检查系统中现有的对象是否有合适的,通常可以通过Copy标准系统的对象,然...
Item level:301—Check 将要用来Copy的Item是否有reject的原因或者完成状态; Schedule line level:501—保证只有open Quantity大于0的部分会Copy; 注意:Routines和Requirements是用ABAP/4代码写的,且能够通过修改系统的方式在SD配置中进行处理,首先应该检查系统中现有的对象是否有合适的,通常可以通过Copy标准系统的对象,然...
Item level:301—Check 将要用来Copy的Item是否有reject的原因或者完成状态; Schedule line level:501—保证只有open Quantity大于0的部分会Copy; 注意:Routines和Requirements是用ABAP/4代码写的,且能够通过修改系统的方式在SD配置中进行处理,首先应该检查系统中现有的对象是否有合适的,通常可以通过Copy标准系统的对象,然...
The T.Code for Copy Control between sales order and Sales order is VTAA.It is used in the case of creating returns order/credit memo request/debit memo request. The T.Code for Control between billing document and billing document is VTFF.It is used in the case of cancelling an invoice....
In SD make sure to maintain copy control for the following areas: Sales documents Deliveries Billing documents In sales, you can find copy controls for: Sales document by sales document Billing document by sales document In deliveries, you can find copy controls for: Sales document by delivery ...
Item 的copy control。SD S 20、tudy Note 33Invoice Combination and Invoice Split如果要使用Invoice 合并的功能, 我们需要使用VF04 Billing Due list来进行,而不能使用VF01。合并的条件, Header的信息要保持一致,例如付款条件等。Invoice Split 两张Order可以合并成一个Delivery, 而两张Order包含不同的Terms of ...
SAP WM&SD集成之Copy WM Quantity – Not Copy WM qty as delivery qty into delivery But PGI 本文继续DEMO SAP WM与Shipping的集成。SAP WM模块可以实现,在Shipping业务里仓库业务人员对TO单完成确认后SAP系统不自动将TO的数量更新成交货单里的Delivery quantity,但是自动对交货单完成发货过账的功能。1, 在如下...
Copy Control Routines Former Member on 2007 Aug 07 0 Kudos 291 SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi all, ABCD (discount /surcharge) price condition for return credits is pulling its rate from a pricing table, but should be pulling directly from the original invoice ...
SAP WM&SD集成之Copy WM Quantity – Copy WM qty as delivery qty into delivery SAP WM模块与SAP其它模块是有集成的。本文开始DEMO SAP WM与Shipping的集成。1, 在如下的配置里,点击Define shipping control at the movement type level. 进入如下配置界面,将仓库号NM1下移动类型601的Copy WM quantity的值...
10、ain Copy control For BillingDocuments Copy control: Sales Document to Billing Document5 .采购设置路径:后勤-物料管理-采购-账户分配一维护账户分配类别; 修改视图修户设置类别:息篇受例新条目如国防凰凰瓜6 .设置物料主数据路径:后勤-销售和分销-产品-物料:维护采购数据,构选上自动采购订单;里可 更改物料...