SD在一个销售凭证中可以对一个单个条目创建一个开票日期计划.这就是开票计划.你即可以选择期间式开票的也可以选择重大事件开票. 期间式开票 期间式开票是指SD对每个单独的计划开票日期开具一个总的数目.例如,对于一个租赁合同,系统可以建议一个按月租赁付款的计划.开票计划确保了每个月的单据,当它到期时,将出现在你...
In the SAP System you process customer projects by means of sales order items assigned to projects. You create a billing request in a sales order in the component Sales and Distribution (SD). This means that the resource-related billing process for customer orders is the same as the process...
在SD模块中,我们经常会考虑Billing分拆,分拆的标准如下: 一、根据Billing的字段项目进行分拆 在sap的标准系统中,系统会比较VBRK表的所有字段(也包含复制拆分组合标准字段ZUKRI),只有这些字段完全相同才不会被拆分。如果有一个不同,系统就会自动拆分Billing. 大家可以参见下列代码: FORM XVBRK_BEARBEITEN. XVBRK = VBR...
To understand the concept, we will take the example of the Rebates. Rebates are to be included during the billing document processing and not in the sales document processing. As rebates are given on the delivered quantity and not on the ordered quantity (in case of cut-off period for rebat...
SAP SD基础知识之凭证流(Document Flow) 一,根据参考创建Create with reference 可以参考之前的凭证来创建销售凭证,可以在初始画面,也可以在凭证处理过程中,通过uniform.dialog box来控制,该对话框有6个标签页: Inquiry‚ Quotation, Order, Contract, Scheduling agreement, Billing document; ...
12,500 topics and 1 reply mentioned SD Billing in SAP Community Content Type Sort By Latest Posts Billing doc Creation idoc 6 154 0 Billing doc Creation idoc. is there any idoc type that we can use to create Billing documents through Idoc SJ19ExplorerThursdayin Enterprise Resource Planning...
客户订阅服务产生的订单经过计费后,金额等与后续开票记账相关的明细信息首先传到融合开票(Convergent Invoicing,简称CI)模块存储,经过去重校验等处理后变为可开票状态,可开票项目信息最终体现在发票上,生成财务明细账。 融合开票通常分为两个过程:开票过程(Billing Process)和客户发票过程(Invoicing Process)。
1、SD Study Note 31Billing Overview 1Billing会对CO-PA产生影响, PA-Profitability Analysis是CO中的模块,用于对利润进行分析。通过Billing Document查看一个CO-PA的凭证其中会包含一些特性值,例如我们可以对Customer, Product 以及其他条件对获利进行分析。 而具体的数据是在Value fields中维护的, 例如 Revenue, ...
SAP SD 以PDF格式显示BILLING的输出格式 1, BILLING在创建后自动输出,可以去SP01里看输出记录, 看BILLING的输出格式, 2,在这个界面的输入框里输入PDF!,如下图示: 回车,系统能以PDF格式显示该Invoice的打印效果, 3,当然在菜单里也可以实现这种效果,GotoPDF Preview, ...
SD-Billing: In transacition v/25 the field "Procedure for item output" is greyed out for billing typ 2490 Hello,I need a new output on invoice item level.I created a new procedure and assigned the procedure to the billing type.But in transaction V/25 the field for the item procedure ...