最终会调用到SAVE_TEXT这个 Function Module: 通过调试器可以看到 WebClient UI 上输入的 1234 应该传递到这个函数里了: SAVE_TEXT是 ABAP 中的一个重要 Function Module,用于在 SAP 系统中保存文本数据。通常,这个功能模块被用于在创建或更改 SAP 对象(如订单、物料、客户等)时保存相关的文本信息。 SAVE_TEXT需要...
SAVE_TEXT writes a text module back to the text file or the text memory, depending on the storage mode of the corresponding text object. You can use this module either to change existing texts or to create new texts. If you know for sure that the text is new, use the parameter INSERT...
"SAVE MODE DIRECT参数打上X,默认值为空。打上X后,STXH表里才会更新长文本的信息。否则只能用READ_TEXT读取出长文本,但在前台看不到" 我自己并没有试,有兴趣的朋友可以自己测试下,也欢迎把测试结果留言反馈给我们~
https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/How+to+Upload+Long+Text+into+SAP+Using+Excel+Sheet+and+SAVE_TEXT+Function+Module Created bySmruti Ranjan Mohanty, last modified onOct 09, 2013Go to start of metadata Reference Link: Note 933420 - ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE http://scn.sap.com...
语言:ZH,但是此处参数类型为C(1),不能直接使用SY-LANGU变量,根据系统配置不同,在我的系统中使用1,对应language参数, 标识:Z001,该标识由SAP系统配置而来,对应ID参数 文本对象:VBBK,对应object参数 相对于Read_Text函数,有一个Save_Text正好是用来往系统中写文本字段,具体用户和Read_Text基本相似....
Solved: Hi, I had requirement,I need to populate the Long text in CO01. Iam using the FM SAVE_TEXT. But it doesnt worked.Iam using the Following code to save long text
如果是要用ABAP代码创建文本用函数CREATE_TEXT,修改文本用SAVE_TEXT 贴上用过的几个代码: 创建抬头文本 call function ‘CREATE_TEXT’ exporting fid = ‘0001′ flanguage = ‘1′ fname = s_deliv_numb fobject = ‘VBBK’ tables flines = it_texts. ...
Use SE75 to create your own custom text ID for SAVE_TEXT object Example 1: Creating the TextEdit control Example 2: Event handling - Application event Example 3: Event handling - System event Example 4: Calling a methods of the control ...
*-Save Text CALL FUNCTION 'SAVE_TEXT' EXPORTING client = sy-mandt header = ls_header savemode_direct = 'X' TABLES lines = lt_lines EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc NE 0. EXIT. ENDIF. *-Populate header and item text details ls_header-tdid = 'Z052'. REFRESH lt_lines. lt_lines...
另外我想要得到表头的TEXT ,用READ_TEXT这个RFC不好用,可能权限问题,然后我用RFC_CALL_TRANSACTION,到TEXT界面以后有一个u201Csave as local fileu201D 按钮可以保存到本地TXT里面,现在的问题是,u201Csave as local fileu201D 按钮的BDC_OKCODE 是什么的呢?粘贴好像是:, "", "", "", "BDC_OKCODE", ...