含10%销项税的客户发票 通过事务代码S_ALR_87012357运行销售/采购税报告的预缴报税表。 销售/采购报表预缴税金申报表 记下各自的销项税和进项税总额。现在是通过事务代码FB41将转账过账手动过账到应纳税科目的时候了。输入进项税合计作为进项税总账科目的贷方,输入销项税合计为销项税总帐科目的借方。抵销应过账到应付/...
SAP系统中提供了多种标准报表,这些报表预先配置好,用户只需简单设置参数即可生成所需的数据报告。例如,S_ALR_87012357可以生成采购订单报表,显示供应商、订单数量、交货日期等信息。S_ALR_87013611用于生成销售订单报表,显示客户、销售数量、发货日期等信息。利用这些标准报表,用户可以全面掌握企业的采购和销售情况。 为了...
GUI事务码:S_ALR_87012357 功能描述:Create Advance Return on Sales/Purchase Tax OData服务: UI5激活SAP应用: 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:General Ledger Accountant; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product: APP类型:GUI(SAP GUI TRANSACTION) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive 此APP对BSP支...
Hi, S_ALR_87012357 / S_ALR_87012356 Tax amount for tax codes V9, VP and VT are calculated and displayed correctly in FI reporting but they are reported at a higher
Hello, When executing t-code S_ALR_87012357 to post the return VAT. The transaction is executed successfully but after running it I am not able to see the postings
our requirement is to get the Tax Report S_ALR_87012357 Tax on sales/purchase based on the transaction type. (.i.e.As per Filing form for tax there are multiple sections of total value of local zero-rated supplies, total value of export supplies, total value of exempt supplies etc.) ...
Hi Experts, We have executed the report S_ALR_87012357 so that VAT amount will be transferred to the VAT clearing account. Whatever amount available in the VAT input is
When I run the S_ALR_87012357 report in "update documents : test run" for October, no document are picked. However if I run it with "Do not update documents" it comes up. Could some please let me know what the differnce between these two are and how to solve this. Thanks & ...
Run the advance return for tax on sales/purchase report via transaction codeS_ALR_87012357. Advanced Return for Tax on Sales/Purchase Report Note down the respective output tax and input tax totals. Now it’s time to manually post the transfer posting to tax payable account via transaction cod...
S_ALR_87012358 Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Reporting → Tax reports → General → Additional List for Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases → SAP minimal variant S_ALR_87012357 Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Reporting → Tax reports → Gener...