简介:本文将通过一个实战案例,探讨如何使用SAP ABAP和Java集成,通过RFC(远程函数调用)实现SAP系统与外部系统的供应商主数据(员工信息)同步。我们将介绍如何使用Java的JCo(Java Connector)库与SAP系统进行通信,并利用BAPI(Business Application Programming Interface)和RFC_CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN等工具实现数据同步。通过这个...
SAP S4系统创建Customer和Vendor的BAPI 对应的BAPI是:RFC_CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN SAP 又调皮了,又不安常理出牌! 微信:W150112458 工作地:厦门 年龄:35 职位:SAP资深方案管理师 专长:信息化管理、系统方案管理 欢迎大家光临我的博客园,有不当之处欢迎交流指正。
SAP S4系统创建Customer和Vendor的BAPI 摘要:对应的BAPI是:RFC_CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN SAP 又调皮了,又不安常理出牌!阅读全文 posted @2017-04-13 13:52SAP梦心阅读(5227)评论(0)编辑 微信:W150112458 工作地:厦门 年龄:35 职位:SAP资深方案管理师 专长:信息化管理、系统方案管理 欢迎大家光临我的博客园,有不...
https://www.stechno.net/sap-functions.htmlSAP Functions其实上述供应商主数据: CALL FUNCTION 'RFC_CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN'采购订单数据:CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1'采购计划协议:CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_SAG_CREATE'关键词: sap导入 sap主数据 sap bapi ...
In function “RFC_CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN”, parameter “IT_SUP_COMPANY_ALT_PAYEE” is not optional. If you are getting dump message “missing parameter IT_SUP_COMPANY_ALT_PAYEE”, in program "ZLSMWDSPRG_CVI", you will add below coding in FORM business_partner_maintain....
SAP主数据批量导入BAPI https://www.stechno.net/sap-functions.htmlSAP Functions其实上述供应商主数据: CALL FUNCTION 'RFC_CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN'采购订单数据:CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1'采购计划协议:CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_SAG_CREATE' 文章2016-06-15来自:开发者社区 ...
Yes , You can use same BAPI which is being used in background by LTMC that is "RFC_CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN" . This BAPI can create your BP as well as integrated customer with all required views For better understanding of how this FM creates BP and integrated Customer you can put a ex...
However For business partners migration please take look at this BAPI - RFC_CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN This function has pretty much has almost all of the businesspartner/customer/vendor fields For your particular partner functions case, there is segment in the above mentioned BP that you can use. ...
We are trying to create/update Vendor master data in s/4 hana 1610 on-premise system.As many of the previous solutions are obsolete by SAP like LSMW, RFC/FM CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN, etc., we are trying to figure out simple option for real-time data update for vendor master. ...