Table Type : TRANSPPackage : /SAPSLL/CORE_LEGALModule : SLL-LEG J_7LC42Table for REA Data Filter: Allocation R-Partner, Country and Comp.CodeTable Type : TRANSPPackage : J7LRModule : IS-REA-COR T005_IT_UICREGTable for UIC Code based on region and country keyTable Type : TRANSP...
az account list --query "[?isDefault].{Name: name, CloudName: cloudName, SubscriptionId: id, State: state, IsDefault: isDefault}" --output=table 可选择删除所有部署项目。 如果要删除先前部署项目的所有剩余项,则可使用此命令。 cloudshell 复制 cd ~ rm -rf Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment ....
TableNameTable name TransactionCodeTransaction code TypeofChange_HeaderHeader type of change, including: U= Change;I= Insert;E= Delete Single Docu;D= Delete;J= Insert Single Docu TypeofChange_ItemItem type of change, including: U= Change;I= Insert;E= Delete Single Docu;D= Delete;J= Insert...
sap:filterable = false filterable = false If $filter is used on that property OData framework raises an error c4c:context-property The annotation provides the context for the property E.g. Country is the context for the property RegionCode (i.e. State).Exception:In...
<RFC_XML_TEST_1 xmlns="http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/Rfc/"> <IM_XML_TABLE> <RFC_XMLCNT xmlns="http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/Rfc/"> <_x002F_AnonymousField>AQIDBAU=</_x002F_AnonymousField> </RFC_XMLCNT> </IM_XML_TABLE> </RFC_XML_TEST_1> 上...
Business requirement: Display the country name instead of country code and display the latitude and longitude of the region of the customer. One special thing in this example is the join condition of table T005T. This table is language dependant, so a language key is needed to...
Code Snippet: METHODif_rest_resource~post.DATA:lr_dataTYPEREFTOdata.FIELD-SYMBOLS:<lt_table>TYPESTANDARDTABLE.TYPES:BEGINOFty_workarea,name(50),city(50),region(20),pin(6).TYPES:ENDOFty_workarea.DATA:wa_dataTYPEty_workarea.DATA(lv_request_body)=mo_request->get_entity()->get_string_data...
, #"Filtered Rows1" = Table.SelectRows(#"Added Conditional Column", each ([Region] = "North America")), #"Collapsed and Removed Columns" = Cube.CollapseAndRemoveColumns(#"Filtered Rows1", {"HISTORY_CREATEDAT", "Product_TypeCode"}) in #"Collapsed and Removed Columns"...
工作负载区域的默认命名约定为 [ENVIRONMENT]-[REGIONCODE]-[NETWORK]-INFRASTRUCTURE。 例如,DEV-WEEU-SAP01-INFRASTRUCTURE 适用于使用 SAP01 虚拟网络托管在西欧区域的开发环境。 PRD-WEEU-SAP02-INFRASTRUCTURE 适用于使用 SAP02 虚拟网络托管在西欧区域的生产环境。 SAP01 和SAP02 指定定义了 Azure 虚拟网络的逻...
Is the region (other region), if specified, valid for the country (see table T005S)? If it is not, the check returns an error. Was a postal code specified for the street address if the indicator Postal code: Required entry for street address (T005-XPLZS) is set? If it is not, ...