Success! When you write your report or ABAP Query, or when you program your enhancement, you can refer to the data using these table and field names. If the object is a view, then scroll to the View field in the view with the same name as the one shown in the Technical Information ...
data table_type type dd02v-tabclass. call function 'DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET' exporting tabname = query_table * FIELDNAME = ' ' * LANGU = SY-LANGU * LFIELDNAME = ' ' * ALL_TYPES = ' ' * GROUP_NAMES = ' ' importing * X030L_WA = ddobjtype = table_type * DFIES_WA = * LINES...
I need an urgent requirement for removing duplicate technical query names from the production. Since there are few issues with the SAP given program I am customizing the SAP Program. Can any one tell me what is the table where the QUERY NAME and it's technical name can be found? Thanks,...
Success! When you write your report or ABAP Query, or when you program your enhancement, you can refer to the data using these table and field names. If the object is a view, then scroll to the View field in the view with the same name as the one shown in the Technical Information ...
2.ChooseAdditionaltableand enter a name for the table. You can use all table names found in the ABAP Dictionary or those already declared as alias tables for your InfoSet (seeMultiple Additional Table Assignmentsbelow). The system then creates the corresponding SELECT statement in another dialog ...
The following sections describe the SAP logs available from the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications data connector, including the table names in Microsoft Sentinel, the log purposes, and detailed log schemas. Schema field descriptions are based on the field descriptions in the relevantSAP...
Query Table Use The selection criteria for the search query are specified in the table QUERY. Each entry returns restrictions for an attribute, analogous to the structure of a ranges table. The following attributes are provided for this: Field Description PROP_NAME Attribute of a document or de...
"Caution: The table is cross-client (注: このテーブルはクロスクライアントです)" 既存の論理システムを示す一覧の上にある [New Entries](新規エントリ) を選択します。 新しい論理システムについて、Log.System 識別子と名前の簡単な説明を入力します。 変更を保存します。 [Prompt ...
As I wrote here is the function module RFC_READ_TABLE very important for many Excel-VBA programmers. But RFC_READ_TABLE has a strong restriction: The length of a result
SAP Query - Overview: SAP Query is used to create reports for users who have little knowledge about SAP Table data storage structure. SAP Query allows evaluating data in