QM Master Data QA08- MASS ASSIGN INPECTION TYPE TO MATERIAL 在QM视图中理论上也是分为三个部分:一般数据:基本资料设置;⭐采购数据:用IQC功能的时候会用到;⭐检验设置:核心部分,其中检验类型可以设置多个,下面都其中的详细信息进行讲解;2、检验设置(Inspection Setup)主要设置...
We never use QM module in our company however, we have a mini project which is ONLY to use QM module's quality notification to perform complains and problem resolution of company product. Hence, under above scenario do we need to extend QM view in material master in order to use Quality ...
2,Material level: In the QM view of material master (t-code MM01/MM02/MM03), for each inspection type, there are several fields and indicators which control sample size calculation. The logic will be explained later. 3,Characteristic level: If you set the control indicator “sampling procedu...
QM config would assign inspection type (one for pre despatch and another one for post despatch). Material Master Table: MARA. Check also Material Master Views for increased visibility. Config Activity (that is carried out here) ~~~ In material master => go to quality management view =>...
Inspection Type 03 – In-Process insp. for Production Order needs to be activated in the Material Master under QM view – Inspection Setup as shown below. b)Master inspection characteristic (QS21) Create Master Inspection characteristic as shown below using transaction code QS21. ...
那SAP QM 使用Material specification 和task list来做检验,有什么区别? Material specification: 不能使用dynamic modification rule; 即使检验特性规定必须有sample procedure, 则维护物料规格里的这个检验特性不要求必须指定sample procedure, 没有指定也能存盘。管理比较松散。需要为每个物料各自维护其Material ...
SAP QM物料主数据里QM Material Authorization Group字段 物料主数据的质量管理视图里,有一个字段叫做“QM Material Auth.”的。通过它可以从质量管理的角度对不同类型的物料做权限区分,也可以通过这个字段去实现某些特殊业务操作的时候要求用户做数字签名。该栏位的值是通过如下的配置路径去做配置,维护如下的entry,...
MasterdatainQM InspectiontypeSamplingprocedureSamplingschemeDynamicmodificationrulesMasterinspectioncharacteristicInspectionplanMaterialspecification SNG Inspectiontype Inspectiontypeisdefinedinmaterialmastertotriggeraninspectionlot.01Goodsreceiptinspection 02Goodsissueinspection 03inspectionduringproduction 04inspectionatGRfrom...
SAP QM中阶之Material Specification的使用 SAP QM模块中,对于物料的检验,除了使用Task list形式的检验计划以外还可以使用material specification。不过在SAP项目实践中,该功能基本很少被使用到。Anyway,即使它用的少,我们还是可以花些时间了解一下如何使用它。
SAP QM物料主数据里QM Material Authorization Group字段 物料主数据的质量管理视图里,有一个字段叫做“QM Material Auth.”的。通过它可以从质量管理的角度对不同类型的物料做权限区分,也可以通过这个字段去实现某些特殊业务操作的时候要求用户做数字签名。 该栏位的值是通过如下的配置路径去做配置, 维护如下的entry,...