SAPTableRelations version compiledby ChristopherSolomon with contributionsby variousSAPProfessionals ,. Howtousethisdocument? Thisdocumentdisplaysanddescribestherelationshipsandlinksbetweenthev ariousSAPdatabasetables.Theserelationshipsare displayedgraphicallyasdescribedbelow: TransparentTable SAPTableNam e (Table...
TablesSD MMSalesHeaderStatusVBUKSalesItem StatusSalesDoc. FlowVBFAPurchaseDoc. HistoryEKBESalesOrder HeaderVBAKSalesOrder ItemVBAPS/OBusiness DataVBKDVBUPPurchase Requisition Purchase OrderEBANPurchaseOrder HeaderEKKOPurchaseOrder ItemEKPOS/OSchedule LineVBEPDelivery HeaderLIKPShipping HeaderVEKPS/OSchedule Line...
At Sappi, we are proud of the strong, collaborative relationship we have built with you, our supplier. Thus, we are continuously looking for new solutions that further secure and improve our partnership and reinforce our long-term commitment to you. We are pleased to announce a new partnership...
82 MTO Make To Order 定货(订货)生产 83 MTS Make To Stock 现货(备货)生产 84 OA Office Automation 办公自动化 85 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 原始设备制造商 86 OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优生产技术 87 OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优生产时刻表 88 PADIS Production And Deci...
During the process no valuated stock is created in the US selling company and business documents like the purchase and sales order between the affiliated companies are missing. Fig. 1: Classic Intercompany Sales - Single Level / Single System (Table of Co...
persg TYPE persg. TYPES END OF gty_displaydata_order. DATA :lt_fin TYPE TABLE OF gty_displaydata_order .IF lv_cont >= 2. APPEND LINES OF is_ee_org_ass_repl_req-org_assignment[ lv_cont - 1 ] TO lt_fin . ELSEIF lv_cont = 1. APPEND is_ee_org_ass_repl_req-org_assignment[...
WA01 Create Allocation Table WA11 Allocation Table Message Bundling / Notification Creation WA04 Create Notification WA08 Create Follow-On Documents MB01 Goods Receipt for Purchase Order WF10 Create Purchase Order MB01 Create Purchase Order WF30 Adjusting Distribution and Generating an Outbound Delivery...
In addition to being able to execute program RASHMM12 manually, you can do this in the role Document Relationship Browser (SAP_DRB) by choosing the menu path Logistics ? Materials Management ? Purchase Order. The program generates a list from which you can access the DRB by double-click...
History采购订单价格历史记录 ME1WInfoRecordsPerMaterialGroup每物料组的信息记录 ME1XBuyer'sNegotiationSheetforVendor用于供应商的买方采购谈判记录 ME1YBuyer'买方物料采购谈判记录表 ME21CreatePurchaseOrder建立采购订单 ME22ChangePurchaseOrder改变采购订单 ME23DisplayPurchaseOrder显示采购订单 ME24MaintainPurchaseOrder...