3、采购申请 Create Purchase RequisitionME57 分配和处理申请 Assign and Process RequisitionsME58 订单 : 分配的请求 Ordering: Assigned Requisitions MIGO 库存运做 StockMMBE 查询单个库存 Stock OverviewMB51 进出库查询 Stock viewMB52 查询批量库存 Stock viewME1L 每供应商的信息记录Info Records Per VendorME2L...
消息输出:采购订单MessageOutput:PurchaseOrders 建立采购申请CreatePurchaseRequisition 分配和处理申请AssignandProcessRequisitions 订单:分配的请求Ordering:AssignedRequisitions 库存运做Stock 查询单个库存StockOverview 进出库查询Stockview 查询批量库存Stockview 每供应商的信息记录InfoRecordsPerVendor 按供应商分类采购订单...
ME29N采购审批(单个)ReleasePurchaseOrder(single) ME9F消息输出:采购订单MessageOutput:PurchaseOrders ME51N建立采购申请CreatePurchaseRequisition ME57分配和处理申请AssignandProcessRequisitions ME58订单:分配的请求Ordering:AssignedRequisitions MIGO库存运做Stock MMBE查询单个库存StockOverview MB51进出库查询Stockview MB...
Now you created your storage location. =>Define Purchase Organisation – Follow Below Path SPRO IMG < Enterprise structure> Now you created your purchase organisation in your own. Now we see How To Assign This To Your Own Company Code Follow The Path To Assign =>Assign Plant To Company Code...
ME28采购审批Release Purchase Order ME29N采购审批(单个)Release Purchase Order(single) ME9F消息输出:采购订单Message Output: Purchase Orders ME51N建立采购申请Create Purchase Requisition ME57分配和处理申请Assign and Process Requisitions ME58订单:分配的请求Ordering: Assigned Requisitions ...
SPRO IMG <enterprise structure> < Assignment> <Material Management> < assign purchase organisation to company code > _selectyour pur org and _deleteclick on assign and _selectyour pur org click on tick mark. Now your purchase organisation is assiged to company code. ...
Assigned RequisitionsStockStockStock OverviewOverviewStock view/Material Documnt List可以结合zrpp0003 &mb03一起用Stock viewInfo Records Per VendorPurchase Orders by VendorInfo Records Per MaterialPurchase Orders by MaterialMMMM常常用用T-CODET-CODEPPPP常常用用T-CODET-CODET-CODET-CODE中中文文描描述述英...
(consumption/usage, withdrawal) or goods receipt without reference; 发料 GR: goods receipt with reference to a purchase order or production order GD: goods movement with reference to a delivery (from the Shipping component) RE: return delivery, return, reversal RE: returns reversal TP: transfer ...
SPRO IMG < Enterprise structure> <definition> <material management> <maintain purchase organisation> <New entries> <purchase org> <purchase organisation description> <SAVE> Now you created your purchase organisation in your own. Now we see How To Assign This To Your Own Company Code ...
ME1W Info Records Per Material Group 每物料组的信息记录 ME1X Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet for Vendor 用于供应商的买方采购谈判记录 ME1Y Buyer’s Negotiat. Sheet for Material 买方物料采购谈判记录表 ME21 Create Purchase Order 建立采购订单