Settings主要用于设置SAT变式,默认为DEFAULT,可以参照创建一个符合自己需求的变式。 参照创建Variant变式并更改属性 PS:下面讲解如何参照创建一个符合自己需求的变式 (一)双击复制按钮,参照DEFAULT复制一个新的变式 (二)弹出Copy Variant对话框,维护变式文本描述 (三)点击更改按钮,修改变式属性 (四)进入后,拥有三个页签...
Solved: Hi All, I have a problem to c onfigure variant records using FM ' MATERIAL_SAVE_CONFIGURATION' I already write a program to configure variant records as below,
通过对上述两个基本函数的测试发现:变式相关函数都需要传递程序名, RS_CREATE_VARIANT 函数对于程序中不存在的选择字段,即使传递了内容到函数中. 后续处理逻辑还是会根据程序的选择字段判断是否保存传递的选择条件内容. 对于程序不存在的选择字段. 通过函数RS_CREATE_VARIANT传递虽然不会报错. 但通过RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS...
The table is used to store your program variants. If you often run the same program with the same set of selections (for example, to create a monthly statistical report), you can save the values in a selection set called a variant. You can create any number of variants for any program...
sy-tfill:返回当前内表(Internal Table)内的记录数。 但是要小心,那些字段随各自的内表(Internal Table)改变。例:如果你循环(Loop at)(读取)itab,sy-tfill返回itab的记录数。 如 果你在循环(Loop at)(读取)内表(Internal Table)itab的内部嵌套循环(Loop at)(读取)内表(Internal Table)jtab,sy-tfill返...
8、HYPERLINK sapbwneelam.blogspot/search/label/variant variant , HYPERLINK sapbwneelam.blogspot/search/label/workbook workbook . By Srinivas Neelam Custome Infoobjects Tabels:/BIC/M - View of Master data Tables/BIC/P - Master data Table, Time Independent attributes/BIC/Q - Master data Table, ...
You might not need the shadow ledgers YL and YX if you use the same fiscal year variant on group and local level in all countries. Check if additional ledgers are needed or if ledgers can be deleted, for example the tax ledgers YS and YX. The group accounting principle (A000) is ...
sy-tfill:返回当前内表(Internal Table)内的记录数。 但是要小心,那些字段随各自的内表(Internal Table)改变。例:如果你循环(Loop at)(读取)itab,sy-tfill返回itab的记录数。 如 果你在循环(Loop at)(读取)内表(Internal Table)itab的内部嵌套循环(Loop at)(读取)内表(Internal Table)jtab,sy-tfill返...
Solved: I have ascreen which has 4 fields as input parameters.After specifying values and save it as stores all this info in some tabel.I need tat table name
4、DEX : 当前LOOP循环过的次数 READ TABLE it_po INDEX 1 此時變量值1SY-TABIX: 当前处理的是internal table 的第几笔下面說下sy-index 和 sy-tabix的區別sy-index和sy-tabix都是系统字段,用来记录循环的次数。sy-index 在DO.ENDDO循环里有效,而sy-tabix在loop at .endloop里有效。運行下面的例子能更好...