Below we have the SAP Profile Parameters list with default values and short description. The SAP parameters plays an important role starts with post installation activities, system configuration, memory management, logon security rules, internet security, port numbers configuration etc....
SAP Profile Parameters 介绍 Profile Parameters for Logon and Password (Login Parameters) The following table presents the profile parameters with which you can set password and logon rules. These profile parameters define the minimum requirements for passwords, for example, that the password must...
The following table contains the description of the instance profile parameters. Recommendation For normal operation, you will not need to change the default parameter settings. Use the following list if you really need to change settings. Profile Parameter (old name in parantheses) Description Unit...
Table 1: SAP Web Dispatcher Profile Parameters ParameterDescriptionDefault Value icm/accept_remote_trace_level Specifies whether an external client may change the trace level of the SAP system. 0(Trace cannot be changed) icm/authfile Specifies the file name and path of the authorization file that...
【SAP】Maintain Profile Parameters (RZ10) 为防止使用者长时间登入在系统中,可设定SAP的系统参数;让系统关闭超过设定连线时候的帐号。 以下的范例是使用RZ11来修改动态参数,但是这样设定参数的方式;只要系统重开後,这一个设定就会消失。 如果要设定为永久性的参数,请使用RZ10来进行修改。但使用RZ10来设定後需重新...
How to change SAP Profile parameters This blog post is kind of a pre-req or sideline to my previous blog post on changing the ABAP buffersize because obviously at some point you will want to change or check system parameters for other things like the initial Solman (Solution Manager) install...
我的某个SAP系统账号的USER PROFILE里定义了如下参数, 如果想要在某些自开发程序里,通过程序自动抓取某个参数值,该如何做? 方法有3: 1, 使用function module SUSR_USER_PARAMETERS_GET 2, 通过执行FM#BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL。 3, 查询表USR05。 -完- ...
在parameters栏里选择一个参数代码,如CAC是成本控制范围,在value里填入值CA00。存盘退出。重新登录后,凡是在界面中要输入CA00的地方都会自动被填上CA00。另外,在一些输入参数的界面会有一个存盘按钮可把参数直接保存为默认值或用户默认值,效果与上面的配置一样。 在需输入成本控制范围的界面,通过菜单“扩展”--“...
Profile parameters accompany the SAP Basis administrators their entire lives. Still, in many SAP systems one can find sub-optimal handling of those and when it comes to monitoring or compliance checking one may be curious how to determine the currently effective values. This may be from a specia...