1. 成本中心:Cost Center,比较稳定,变化较少 2. 内部订单:Internal Order,小小的Project,有明确的开始与结束 3. 项目:Project,其中的WBS, Network和Activity才是成本对象 4. 销售订单:Sales Order 5. 市场细分:Profitability Segment 6. 生产订单:Production Order 7. 维修工单:Maintenance Order 8. 流程:Process...
是在生产中不需要手工进行收发货的物料,在对productionorder操作做最终确认时,生产订单中的相应的操作下的物料就会自动发货,在订单的最后一步操作使用特定的controlkey时,当对最后一步操作做最终确认时,系统会自动对生产订单的成品做收货。 物料主数据-Bulk material-散装物料: 是会在工作中心直接使用的物料,mrp不会对...
Costing runs and production order settlement Step by Step P the new materials monthly. In case of big changes of the costs (for example of the hourly rates) it can be necessary to calculate all materials during the year again. The following chapter shows how to make a costing run in SAP...
At period end the production order receives a secondary credit that is equal to the variance during settlement, resulting in zero balance. During the settlement process, product cost collectors and process order variance are posted to Profitability Analysis ...
It seems production order was 0 when it was last settled in period 4. In period 5 COGI for this material was fixed and hence entry was posted in period 5 and currently we are in period 8. As we are in period 8: what is the process to settle this production order balance? I which...
Cost settlement of the combined order to the original orders Process Flow with screen shots: There are two scenarios handled in combination order process. Combination of production orders belonging to same material derived from single sales order. ...
GROUP比如:ZM01/ZM02/ZM11/ZM12,再然后将这MRP GROUP放入对应的物料中这样在plan order转工单时,...
so per your bussiness process you can decided weather to do TECO or not. Below are setps for settelement, For order settlement, 1. After Final Confirmation of Order ( Status : CNF) make GR for for order using Tcode : MIGO / MB31 so Production Order Status will be DLV. 2. Then...
ProcessFlow Costing QTCAccounting ProductionSettlementProcessSettlement ProductionSettlementProcess-Overhead Calculation DebitMemoCreated ProductionSettlementProcessRevaluation Q-EDGEProduction CreateProductionOrderw/oMaterial Q-EDGEWarehouse GRDone315 FGwillmoveintoFGSLoc(2501)CEI Re-modellingMaterial 2steptransfer...
production order settlement (co88/ko88) Go to solution Former Member on 2008 Oct 22 0 Kudos 2,011 SAP Managed Tags: FIN Controlling when we settle the production order variances , it will take one account from OBYC(t-code)/PRD-PRF. But how does systemdetermines the other ...