IW59 - Display Service Notifications: Selection of Notification 2, Production Planning (PP模块) C005N - Collective Release C011N - Time Ticket C012 - Confirmation - Collective C013 - Confirmation - Cancel C00IS - Production order information system C0GI - Reprocess Goods Movements C223 - Maintai...
http://sap-img.com/production/commonly-used-tcodes-in-pp-module-part-1.htm http://sap-img.com/production/commonly-used-tcodes-in-pp-module-part-2.htm http://sap-img.com/production/commonly-used-tcodes-in-pp-module-part-3.htm Regards, Thang You must be a registered user to add a...
The following are the tcodes shortcut when configuring the SAP Production Planning modules. Tcode Name OLPF Customizing Production Order OPJ0 Maintain User OPJ1 Maintain User Profiles OPJ2 Production order stock determination OPJ3 Maintain Authorizations OPJ4 Schedule batch function request OPJ6 ...
SU53 Retrieve authorisation data for object, execute after error message is displayed(/nsu53) SUIM User info system (New user, Roles, Authorisations, User tcodes etc..) SXDA Data transfer workbench SALE IDoc and ALE development VOK2 Output determination by functional area / output type (Output...
大家可以在SAP中查询T-Code,当然前提是你有足够的权限。 具体方法是:使用T-Code:TSTC 进入T-Code表查询。 以下是11个模块较常用的一些T-Code,希望对大家有所帮助! Plant Maintenance (PM) Production Planning BASIS/ABAP Human Resources Sales and Distribution (SD) ...
a STO and then the PP module ? a Subcontracting STO ? But how we manage the production in the second company ? Thank you very much. Xavier xavierskoczek Explorer 2023 Sep 12 12:17 PM 1 Kudo Hello Liudmila Turkina, Hello Gerhard Welker, W...
大家可以在SAP中查询T-Code,当然前提是你有足够的权限。 具体方法是:使用T-Code:TSTC进入T-Code表查询。 以下是11个模块较常用的一些T-Code,希望对大家有所帮助! PlantMaintenance(PM) ProductionPlanning BASIS/ABAP HumanResources SalesandDistribution(SD) ...
= 10session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]btn[11]).press COL1 = TrimCStr(objSheet.Cellsi, 1).Value)) 'Column1COL2 = Trim(CStr(objSheet.Cells(i, 2).Value)) 'Column2COL3 = TrimCStr(Sheet.Cells(i, 3).Value)) Column3COL4 = Trim(CStr...
SE54 - Generate View Maintenance Module SE61 - R/3 Documentation SE62 - Industry utilities SE63 - Translation SE64 - Terminology SE65 - R/3 document. short text statistics SE66 R/3 Documentation Statistics (Test!) SE68 - Translation Administration ...
TcodePPOME PurposeChange Organization and Staffing ModuleBC ComponentBC-BMT SAP PackageSP0E Program runningOM_START_NF Screen No1000 TypeR PPOME related transaction codes under SAP package SP0E CIC_PPOSE : Display CIC Organizational Plan OOOBJMANCUST_TRSP : Object Manager Customizing ...