记帐码/Posting Key 在手工的会计核算过程中,我们通过用记帐符号“debit”与“credit”来描述资产、负债的增、减。但在SAP中,却变得有些复杂了。 客户D 对于与应收帐款有关的,其应收帐款的debitcredit所用的记帐码: ▶用01、02、03、04、05、06、07、08、09表示debit, ▶用11、12、13、14、15、16、1...
于是登陆SAP系统,了解到记账码就是:posting key 那么进一步解释的话,到网上搜了一下,几乎都是一个版本的copy 就没有不同的解释吗,以下是同一个版本的解释 实际业务中,记账码就是“借”和“贷” 而在SAP中,记账码有三层意思 1:界定科目类型 2:借贷方向 3:凭证输入时,画面上的字段的输入状态 对于总账科目的...
所以我去生产机使用FAGLL03按科目把财务凭证拉出来瞅瞅,归纳总结一下~ 好吧,来说说今天的主角--过账码posting key。之前的文章我们也大概提过噢~ 会计凭证的每个行项目都必须指定过账码,过账码可以决定屏幕字段,科目的借贷,允许过账的科目类型。 借方贷方:控制凭证行项目的借贷方,大多数情况下,借方以偶数开头,贷方...
进入后如图 4所示,在此找到Posting Key为16的条目,并用鼠标点击进入。 图4 Posting Keys概览 进入后Posting Key 16的细节如图 5所示,修改字段状态则点击工具栏的“Maintain Field Status”按钮( )。 图5 Posting Key 16明细 图6显示字段状态有多个组,“Text”字段在第一个General data组中,用鼠标点击。 图6 ...
如果这些业务被清帐了,则对应的记录会从BSI*转移到BSA*一. Tcode:FBL5N(可找到所有cleared item和open item项)(图片略)注意:绿灯项为cleared项目,不能在FB05中使用红灯项为open项目,能在FB05中使用在BSEG表中有这样的规律:For example:Posting Key (BSCHL) Amount in document currency(WRBTR)04 0.9004 390004...
When you enter a posting, enter a posting key for each item. This key determines how the item is posted. Posting keys are defined at client level and therefore apply to all company codes. The posting key determines: The data you can enter in the line item How data you post is ...
postingKeyId: string Implementation of PostingKeyType.postingKeyId Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/PostingKey.ts:30 Posting Key. Maximum length: 2. Optional postingKeyText postingKeyText: undefined | string Implementation of PostingKeyType.postingKeyText Defined in pa...
The process logs contain key details with driver program 'RSNASTED', the routine name 'EDI_PROCESSING' ( both are standard and can check at RD04 output setting by NACU as well), and the inbound Idoc number. Go to WE05 with the Idoc number to check RD04 generated IDoc details which ...
Hi, Im processing tcode F-28 (incoming payment), amount of payment is not recorded for reconciliation account (posting key - 15(incoming payment), but also for
krishanu_banerjee Explorer 2016 Jul 15 9:05 AM 0 Kudos Thanks for the documentations, it really helps from the scratch. :smile: However, I have one query regarding the same topic. Say, if I have 3 statuses in one status profile where requirement is : if status no 3 is selecte...