Hi all, I am using BAPI_PO_CREATE for to create PO. How to Fill the PO confirmation tab. IN that BAPI , there is no such option to fill the vendor confirmation details.
In the processes listed in the following table, SAP Supply Network Collaboration (SAP SNC) automatically updates the confirmation status of a purchase order (PO) item: Process Technical Name The supplier saves a PO confirmation on the Web UI. ORDERCONF_SAVE ORDERSCON_SAVE The supplier publishes...
Hi Friends, I need your help/suggestion on PO confirmation. I am using a confirmation control key which requires AB first followed by LA(ASN). For some reason, I do not
SAP MM公司间STO外向交货单SPED输出报错- PO### does not contain a confirmation control key - 公司间STO#4501566234, Item 10, Item 20, 执行事务代码VL02N,对其外向交货单执行拣配以及发货过账, 点击Post Goods Issue 按钮执行发货过账。然后检查该交货单凭证流, 拣配和发货过账都成功完成了。执行事务代码V...
报错信息:PO### does not contain a confirmation control key. 解决方案是,执行事务代码ME22N为STO的item 20补上confirmation control key, 然后执行VL02N去为交货单手工创建一个SPED的输出记录, 保存。 执行事务代码VL03N去看这个交货单的输出记录,
SAP RETAIL 如何查看分配表是参考哪个PO来创建的? SAP RETAIL里的Allocation Table可以用来触发采购订单,同时Allocation Table也可以由采购订单(STO)来触发。不管是谁创建在先谁在后,SAP系统会记录两者之间的关联关系。 如果某个Allocation Table是参考前端的某个采购订单来创建的,则如何通过allocation table来查到这个采...
采购订单审批:me29n单独审批 me28集中审批 memasspo 成批维护 8.一段强大的代码REPORT ZHELI_CODE. DATA: BEGIN OF srctab1 OCCURS 1, txt(255) TYPE c, END OF srctab1. PARAMETERS: rep LIKE trdir-name. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. START-OF-SELECTION. ...
SAP RETAIL 参考PO创建分配表之二 SAP里的分配表,是可以参考采购订单来创建的。这里的采购订单,主要是STO,比如从DC转入门店,或者门店之间调货的STO。 1,采购订单号:4500000737, 它是使用ME21N创建的。 它是一个UB类型的STO,商品从门店NM03转入NM01。
The confirmation functionality is used to get better visibility & control over the goods receipts. Due to this requirement, when you work with confirmations, the system will not propose any quantity for MIGO unless any confirmations are entered in the PO. Also, MIGO will propose only such quanti...
Hi,I have a little question about how SAP B1 create the information from "bin location allocation - Issue" to show. I would like to recreate this using a queary, I very confuse about which table are consulting.Thanks. yesterday |