VGM1 - "Create Group for Freight List" "创建运费清单组" VGM2 - "Change Group for Freight List" "更改运费清单组" VGM3 - "Display Group for Freight List" "显示运费清单组" VGW1 - Create Picking Wave创建领货波次 VGW2 - Change Picking Waves改变领货波次 VGW3 - Display Picking Waves显示...
1, Plant Maintenance (PM模块) IW32 - Change Plant Maintenance Order IW33 - Display Plant Maintenance Order IW34 - Create Notification Order IW51 - Create Service Notification IW52 - Change Service Notification IW53 - Display Service Notification IW54 - Create Service Notification :Problem notificat... 大家可以在SAP中查询T-Code,当然前提是你有足够的权限。 具体方法是:使用T-Code:TSTC 进入T-Code表查询。 以下是11个模块较常用的一些T-Code,希望对大家有所帮助! Plant Maintenance (PM) Production Planning BASIS/ABAP Human Resources Sales and Distributi... 大家可以在SAP中查询T-Code,当然前提是你有足够的权限。 具体方法是:使用T-Code:TSTC 进入T-Code表查询。 以下是11个模块较常用的一些T-Code,希望对大家有所帮助! Plant Maintenance (PM) Production Planning BASIS/ABAP Human Resources Sales and Distributi...
Now, we can't get Multi Level valuation of Goods and WIP before the processing will have been finished. Gerhard_Welker Product and Topic Expert 2023 Jun 21 12:16 PM 0 Kudos Hi Neeraj, Please check in detail that you have performed all step...
There is a number of CA which ByD trusts by default (see ByD Certificate Trust List). Best regards, Knut isaacmokoena Explorer 2021 Aug 27 3:02 PM 0 Kudos Hi Knut, I hope that you are well. We tried creating a custorm Odata to read the Stock Quantity on ByDesign but we co...
Here is a list of important 201 transaction codes used withSAP PM-EQM component (SAP Technical Objects in Plant Maintenance)coming underSAP PM Module. You will get more technical details of each of these SAP PM-EQM tcodes by clicking on the respective tcode name link. ...
SAP MM (Material Management) apps/transactions List in SAP S/4 HANA mickaelquesnot Active Participant 2023 Jun 05 6:11 PM 12 Kudos 53,575 SAP Managed Tags: SAP Fiori, SAP ERP, SAP ERP Central Component, SAP S/4HANA, MM (Materials Management), MM Purchasing Useful T-code...
PM000060 Update order object list (inc serial number) IDocs: IOAUPD01 Work order assignments IDOC IORDER01 SM/PM order IDoc IORUPD01 Order status update IDoc TCode: IORD - Create SM/PM Order IDoc BOR Objects: AFVC_PM Maintenance order operation ...
Here is a list of important 40 transaction codes used with SAP BC-TWB component (SAP Test Workbench in Basis) coming... SAP PM Transaction Codes – Plant Maintenance Tcodes List Here is a list of important 742 transaction codes used with SAP PM (Plant Maintenance) module. You will get mo...