VGM1 - "Create Group for Freight List" "创建运费清单组" VGM2 - "Change Group for Freight List" "更改运费清单组" VGM3 - "Display Group for Freight List" "显示运费清单组" VGW1 - Create Picking Wave创建领货波次 VGW2 - Change Picking Waves改变领货波次 VGW3 - Display Picking Waves显示...
1, Plant Maintenance (PM模块) IW32 - Change Plant Maintenance Order IW33 - Display Plant Maintenance Order IW34 - Create Notification Order IW51 - Create Service Notification IW52 - Change Service Notification IW53 - Display Service Notification IW54 - Create Service Notification :Problem notificat... 大家可以在SAP中查询T-Code,当然前提是你有足够的权限。 具体方法是:使用T-Code:TSTC 进入T-Code表查询。 以下是11个模块较常用的一些T-Code,希望对大家有所帮助! Plant Maintenance (PM) Production Planning BASIS/ABAP Human Resources Sales and Distributi... 大家可以在SAP中查询T-Code,当然前提是你有足够的权限。 具体方法是:使用T-Code:TSTC 进入T-Code表查询。 以下是11个模块较常用的一些T-Code,希望对大家有所帮助! Plant Maintenance (PM) Production Planning BASIS/ABAP Human Resources Sales and Distributi...
Now, we can't get Multi Level valuation of Goods and WIP before the processing will have been finished. Gerhard_Welker Product and Topic Expert 2023 Jun 21 12:16 PM 0 Kudos Hi Neeraj, Please check in detail that you have performed all step...
LEAVE LIST-PROCESSING. ENDIF. upload_data( ). CHECK v_flag IS INITIAL. get_partner_num( ). IF t_main IS NOT INITIAL AND " upload data v_error IS INITIAL. " error flag *~~Get Check Data for Condition Type & Iso codes get_check_data( ). *~~P...
former_member714889 Explorer 2021 May 06 5:55 PM 0 Kudos Hi Johannes, We recently have moved on to a new SAP instance and we are trying to use the existing JCO Server for Outbound communication. When we trigger an Outbound IDoc we get the ping on JCO Server but it fails with ...
Here is a list of important 201 transaction codes used withSAP PM-EQM component (SAP Technical Objects in Plant Maintenance)coming underSAP PM Module. You will get more technical details of each of these SAP PM-EQM tcodes by clicking on the respective tcode name link. ...
PM000060 Update order object list (inc serial number) IDocs: IOAUPD01 Work order assignments IDOC IORDER01 SM/PM order IDoc IORUPD01 Order status update IDoc TCode: IORD - Create SM/PM Order IDoc BOR Objects: AFVC_PM Maintenance order operation ...
Here is a list of important 40 transaction codes used with SAP BC-TWB component (SAP Test Workbench in Basis) coming... SAP PM Transaction Codes – Plant Maintenance Tcodes List Here is a list of important 742 transaction codes used with SAP PM (Plant Maintenance) module. You will get mo...