SAP PM模块中可以使用事务代码IW34,用于为维护通知单创建维护订单, 维护通知单号100315517,Order Type ZM03, Priority, planning plant等, 回车,进入如下界面, 输入开始日期,完成日期等基本信息,保存, 维护订单 100316968 被成功创建。 -完- 2021-1-12 写于长三角某市。
Following are the Standard PM Order types available in SAP, however additional order types can also be created on need basis PM01 Maintenance order PM02 Maintenance order PM03 Maintenance order/notification PM04 Refurbishment order PM05 Calibration order PM06 Capital investment order 23 Apr 2010 6:...
Assign Notification Types to Order Types In this step, you can define which order type is generated from which notification type. Note You can work with different notification types and order types. In this step, you can assign a single order type to a single notification type in each case....
in the settings in customizing for the external procurement you can assign the order type for the purchase requisition to the order category 30 (PM-order). This will be valid for all PM-order types and that is really a bottleneck. Right now there is no chance to give PM-order type CS01...
SAP PM 设备维护事务码收集整理,留存备查,总有一款适合你 。 事务码 描述 IBI2 Plant Maintenance Batch Input 设备维护批输入 IBIP PM: Batch Input Utility PM:批输入实用程序 IL07 FunctLocation List (Multi-Level) (多层)功能位置清单 IW30 (Multi-Level) Notification List (多层)通知单清单 ...
T003O Order Types T352R Maintenance revisions T353I_T Maintenance activity type description T356 Priorities T357G Permits T357G_T Text for Table 357GT T370A Activity Category for PM Lists TINCT Customers- Incoterms- Texts TVKO Organizational Unit- Sales Organizations ...
T003OOrderTypes T352RMaintenancerevisions T353I_TMaintenanceactivitytypedescription T356Priorities T357GPermits T357G_TTextforTable357GT T370AActivityCategoryforPMLists TINCTCustomers-Incoterms-Texts TVKOOrganizationalUnit-SalesOrganizations TVKOSOrganizationalUnit-DivisionsperSalesOrganization TVKOVOrg.Unit-Dist...
In the PM: Order Type row, select to expand the workspace. In the Order type row, select , and then select the order types you are using. Note: Each order type you use (for example, PM01 and PM02), needs the same configuration. In the Field values window, in the Value Intrvl se...
SAP EAM Work Order, PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) Hello everyone, We are actually testing out some new business functions features and the follow up order was one of those. We are just wondering what is the main difference of it compared to sub-orders? Both...
Fig. 16: 'Create Maintenance Order' app - Recipient Location The Recipient Location in PM Order Component screen for Stock Components will be a part of the Material Reservation document created from the order. Since the components are stocked in a EWM managed warehouse, on posting a goods movem...