SAP is an ERP software. We provides free SAP tutorial and PDF training materials for online learning. Our tutorials will be useful for both beginners & experienced professionals.
This can also serve a good guide to key users, who are beginners and new to these concepts, by dealing with rudimentary aspects of these KPIs. Following are some of the KPIs used in SAP EPPM Rate of Interest and Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Payback period in months Return ...
Full form of PP is Production Planning. SAP PP is one of the largest and widely usedfunctional modules in SAPERP software. Here is a list of importantSAP PP modulerelated terms and their full form. This list will be useful for beginners and those who are trying to familiar with Production...
CA Module- Cross Application (ViewSAP CA Tutorial) WF – workflow BW – business information warehouse Office – for email Workplace Industry solutions New Dimension products such as CRM, PLM, SRM, APO etc SAP Treasury Module SAP Warehouse management Module ...
SAP is an ERP software. We provides free SAP tutorial and PDF training materials for online learning. Our tutorials will be useful for both beginners & experienced professionals.