EX: PERFORM SUB USING (VALUE A) PASS BY REFERENCE: WE WILL USE USING or CHANGING while passing parameters ex PERFORM SUB USING A or PERFORM SUB CHANGING A. any changes to the parameter inside the form are affected globally, means the value is changed permanantly. PASS BY VALUE AND RETUR...
如果TABLES与USING、CHANGING一起使用时,则一定要按照TABLES、USING、CHANGING顺序声明 值传递中的VALUE关键字只是在FORM定义时出现,在调用时PERFORM语句中无需出现,也就是说,调用时值传递和引用传递不存在语法格式差别 DATA:iTYPEiVALUE100. WRITE: /'frm_ref==='. PERFORMfrm_refUSINGi. WRITE: /i."200 WRITE: ...
PERFORM addit USING num1 num2 CHANGING sum. FORM addit USING add_num1 TYPE any add_num2 TYPE any CHANGING add_sum TYPE any. add_sum = add_num1 + add_num2. PERFORM out USING add_num1 add_num2 add_sum. ENDFORM. FORM out USING out_num1 TYPE any out_num2 TYPE any out_sum TYP...
iv_varid = lv_varid CHANGING cs_info = current_info. "通过调用下面的函数,完成对选择屏幕字段内容的调整 PERFORM fill_selopts_from_field_sel USING current_info-field_sel. WHEN 'ZEXIT'. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDCASE. *&---* *& 包含 ZBC_SSEL_INDLUDE_OUTPUT *&---* "如果没有传递ZVARID. 不...
localeCodeRetains the site locale, chosen during the user's initial visit, to ensure that a user continues browsing the appropriate local site30 days lrPreserves the destination URL to which a user should be directed post-login5 min ngds_opt_outDenotes the user's decision to decline the use...
PERFORM search_employee USING gv_emp_id CHANGING gv_emp_name gv_emp_dept gv_emp_position. WHEN OTHERS. " 可以处理其他的输入情况 ENDCASE. ENDMODULE. 在这里,search_employee 是一个示例性的 FORM 例程,它接受员工编号作为输入,然后通过查询数据库来填充员工的姓名、部门和职位信息。这些信息随后会被显示...
Note: After logging in using one of the identity providers, to switch to the other one it is necessary to logout and perform a new log in. Note: Currently, dynamic provisioning of the subscriber account identity provider is not supported. Note: Identity provider configuration is only supported...
operations by providing immediate access to task information and enabling direct data capture.Steps to perform the Internal processes, Picking by Warehouse order using RFUI Step1:Create warehouse task and warehouse order using transaction code /n/scwm/adprodSelect the material option from the drop ...
The reason that the HANA/data so large is that the storage snapshots offered to customers are using the same disk volume. The more storage snapshots you perform, the more space is consumed by snapshots in your assigned storage volumes. The HANA/log/backup volume is not su...