I say impact because the error message that pops up when user changes his password to one of the exceptional ones is as following: "Password is in exception table" Can we change the above error message to a customized one? We want to make it some what more detailed so that users are ...
MessageServerService The Service Name (as defined in etc/services) or the Port Number under which the Message Server is listening for load-balancing requests (Mandatory if connection type (Logon) is B - Message Server (Group) and System ID is not present). SafeTyping By default, when you ...
Note For the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications to successfully monitor the SAP security parameters, the solution needs to successfully monitor the SAP PAHI table at regular intervals. For more information, see Verify that the PAHI table is updated at regular intervals....
What is SAP HANA? Table of Content (The internal links had been removed cause the new blogging platform only supports basic html, and the use of anchor links not supported.) Where can I find knowledge and information belongs to SAP HANA? SAP Help Portal SAP Support Portal SAP Learning open...
R:in the configuration of material type , you can configure a material type managed on a quantity basis.12.OMWB 配置自动过帐.spro/物料管理/评估和科目设置/科目确定/无向导的科目确定/配置自动过帐 13.维护类别类别: spro/sap netweaver/base/应用程序链接启动(ALE)/定模和实施业务处理/主数据分配/使用...
. . . . 37 Reading a File in a Hadoop Distributed File System as an In-Memory Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Starting an External Hadoop MapReduce Job and Using Results in a Query. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 5 Application Development ...
Use the following syntax to refer to custom extended properties in an expression: Fields!FieldName("PropertyName") Predefined Field Properties The following table provides a list of predefined field properties that you can use for an SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence data source. ...
According to SAP, the Standalone Enqueue Server 2 (ENSA2) is the successor to the standalone enqueue server. It is a component of the SAP lock concept and manages the lock table. This principle ensures the consistency of data in an ABAP system. If there is a failover, the old Standalo...
If we need to upload same data (same customers, vendors etc) in different clients of same environment (say ueq 310, ueq 320) then would simple generation of LTMC objects with different mass transfer ID help? (as the table FM_DMC_RESTART is cross client) Appreciate the help. Mehedi. ...
Dataphin数据集成中SAP HANA可以选到表,但是管道任务中报错“invalid table name: Could not find table/view CE9PB00_H in schema SLT_USER”。 2022-09-23 09:42:20.231 [job-1042479] ERROR DlinkTransPreview - Exception when job run com.alibaba.dt.pipeline.plugin.center.exception.DataXException: Cod...