显然是报工时的CONFIRMATION出错了,那么就是TCODE COR6(注:此工厂用的时PI方案,process order的报工用TCODE COR6),离散型制是用CO06(如果我没记错的话)。 好了进一个报工看看,看到什么问题?170311的RESERVATION号不见了,其他都好好的。 那为何如此?是技术原因造成的reservation不见的吗?如果是技术原因,那么...
C012 Confirmation - Collective C013 Confirmation - Cancel C00IS Production order information system C0GI Reprocess Goods Movements C223 Maintain production version USMM Pressing F8 will display all hotpacks applied. SEARCH_SAP_MENU Show the menu path to use to execute a given tcode. You can sear...
C012 - Confirmation - Collective C013 - Confirmation - Cancel C00IS - Production order information system C0GI - Reprocess Goods Movements C223 - Maintain production version USMM - Pressing F8 will display all hotpacks applied. 3, 开发 (ABAP) S001 - ABAP/4 Development Workbench S002 - System...
其后台配置路径如下,对应的T-code:OPKP 三、生产计划参数文件后台配置详解 1. Release(下单): 设定工单创建的时候,是否自动审批(下单),具体业务需求详见《SAP PP大师修炼之路》之《生产订单审批方法探讨》和 《后台配置-设定生产订单审批方法》 2.Execute Printing(执行打印) 设定工单下达(审批)的时候是否自动打印,...
Transaction Type T Module Production Planning and Control ► Production Orders ► Order Processing ► Confirmations The SAP TCode CO1F is used for the task: Create confirmation of production order. The TCode belongs to the CORU package. Top SAP Tcodes Purchase Order Tcodes Cost Center Tco...
以下是11个模块较常用的一些T-Code,希望对大家有所帮助! PlantMaintenance(PM) ProductionPlanning BASIS/ABAP HumanResources SalesandDistribution(SD) SAPOffice FIFinancialManagement MaterialManagement(MM) MMconfigurationtransactions ConfigRelated PlantMaintenance(PM) IW32ChangePlantMaintenanceOrder IW33Display...
C013 Confirmation - Cancel C00IS Production order information system C0GI Reprocess Goods Movements C223 Maintain production version USMM Pressing F8 will display all hotpacks applied. SEARCH_SAP_MENU Show the menu path to use to execute a given tcode. You can search ...
sap wm模块常用t-code 热度: sap常用t-code 热度: SAPCRM基础培训 常用T-CODE 热度: PPTRANSACTIONLIST TransactionDescriptionTransactionDescription AvailabilityPickingList COMACAvailabilityCheck CO27PickingList CO09AvailabilityOverviewProductionOrderConfirmation ...
SAP MM(物料管理)常用事务代码T-Code MM01 - 创建物料主数据 XK01 - 创建供应商主数据 ME11 - 创建采购信息记录 ME01 - 维护货源清单 ME51N- 创建采购申请 ME5A - 显示采购申请清单 ME55 - 批准采购申请(批准组:YH) ME57 – 分配并处理采购申请 ...