itcpo-tdnoprev = 'X'.No print preview itcpo-tdgetotf = 'X'.Return of OTF table. No printing, display, or faxing 下面开始将ScriptForm数据转换成PDF格式的数据: data: binfilesize type i. data: i_tline type table of tline with header line, * convert OTF to PDF call function 'CONVER...
I need the table / FM / BAPI etc from which I will be able to find out the following. Fully open PO. Partial Open PO etc I would require the PO numbers & the Open quantities (if possible). Please help. regards, kumarKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Ne...
在输入此事务代码后,可以在筛选条件中选择“RECHNUNG Open invoices”来查看未完成发票校验的订单 【ME2L】:这是按供应商查询采购订单的事务代码。同样,在筛选条件中选择“RECHNUNG Open invoices”可以查看未完成发票校验的订单 【ME2N】: 这是按文档号码查询采购订单的事务代码。在筛选条件中选择“RECHNUNG ...
SAP查看PO跟Invoice的关系 1. T-code: ME23N,输入PO号码,转到“Purchase Order History"界面,可以查看Invoice的相关信息。2. T-code: MIR5, 输入相对应条件,可以查看到MIRO界面的相关信息,即Invoice及其对应的text(一般会输入reference PO)。3. T-code: SE16N,输入Table EKBE(History per Purc SAP PO SAP...
DATA lt_bom LIKE TABLE OF stpox WITH HEADER LINE. CALL FUNCTION 'CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2' EXPORTING capid = BOM应用程序 datuv = sy-datum"有效期 mtnrv = 物料 stlan = '1' " bom usage mehrs = 'X' "展开多层 werks = 工厂 * emeng = pi_bdmng ...
options in Table TILM_STOR_O_ROUT Setup and Publishing of the SAP ILM Store Details of the Publishing of the ILM Store can be found in theILM Implementation Guide. Additional hints can also be found in the Blog -ILM Store Configuration- ...
openFile -vm C:/Users/ documents/NWDS/SAPJVM/sapjvm_8/bin/javaw.exe STEP 7: Now open (double click) eclipse application from eclipse folder. STEP 8: When the Sap Netweaver Developer Studio is open, go to Window / Preferences. Now you’ll add the system which you want to connect with...
MDBS - Material View of Order Item/Schedule Line (good to find open PO's) EKKN - Account assignment in purchasing document EORD - Purchasing Source List EIPA - Order price history record EKAB - Release documentation EKBE - Purchasing document history ...
onEditMode:function(){this.byId("editModeButton").setVisible(false);this.byId("saveButton").setVisible(true);this.byId("deleteButton").setVisible(true);this.rebindTable(this.oEditableTemplate,"Edit");} 实现onDelete函数: 代码语言:javascript ...
CDS Views: retrieve a field from table joins Hi,I am creating a CDS view in which I would like to retrieve a field that comes from the join of several tables and I am faced with the limit of CDS views or I do not know how to use them well.Here is an extract from my CDS (ve...