almost 13000 line items i have i checked MB5s but it's not giving the right data. also i want to know by which table i can know that for the list of PO's there is no GR, NO IR, no purchase order history at all. secondly only GR exists, third only IR exists, fourth GR & IR...
CDS Views: retrieve a field from table joins Hi,I am creating a CDS view in which I would like to retrieve a field that comes from the join of several tables and I am faced with the limit of CDS views or I do not know how to use them well.Here is an extract from my CDS (ve...
6, 内表命名规则 选项:determine names of internal table 这个checkbox的F1帮助如下,意思就是在老的SE30中,只有命名为IT开始的内表才会被SE30识别为内表, 勾上这个checkbox后,就不受IT这个前缀限制了,只要是内表都会被SAT识别。 7, 查看SAT结果文件 选择Evaluate tab页, 下图是SAT的跟踪结果屏幕: [Desktop1]...
public Object openHubDestinationName() Get the openHubDestinationName property: The name of the Open Hub Destination with destination type as Database Table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the openHubDestinationName
1.BOPF的视图,直接基于TABLE中生成创建,视图名:**_I_**; 2.ODATA服务的视图基于BOPF的视图创建,视图名:**_C_**; 3.视图的命名规则只是建议,可自己用其它规则命名,SAP中好多视图也是安此规则命名的, 4.在第2步中,中基于TABLE生成的CDS视图,也可以是查询,此时命名可以是:**_Q_**; ...
loop at t_eban. read table lt_items with key preq_item = t_eban-bnfpo. if sy-subrc <> 0. lt_items_new-preq_item = t_eban-bnfpo. "采购申请的项目编号 lt_items_new-short_text = t_eban-txz01. lt_items_new-store_loc = t_eban-lgort. "库存地点 lt_items_new-quantity = t_eb...
options in Table TILM_STOR_O_ROUT Setup and Publishing of the SAP ILM Store Details of the Publishing of the ILM Store can be found in theILM Implementation Guide. Additional hints can also be found in the Blog -ILM Store Configuration- ...
SM30 need to add more material to SCMIS interface table maintain table /SIE/MED_CA_IFSS via SM30 QA02 Can not print inspection instruction's characteristic long text even though it is available in Q Plan Long text in Language DE other than expected EN, the language is derived from the ...
MDBS - Material View of Order Item/Schedule Line (good to find open PO's) EKKN - Account assignment in purchasing document EORD - Purchasing Source List EIPA - Order price history record EKAB - Release documentation EKBE - Purchasing document history ...
表出口(Table Exits):与上面的T型出口一样,属于同一类型; 数据元素出口(Data Element Exits):在ABAP/4字典的关键字元素中添加文档,结果是在使用这些数据元素的字段处按键后会出现自定义的说明文档; 关键字出口(Keyword Exits):在ABAP/4字典中的关键字数据元素更改表示文本; ...