MARC - Material master: Plant data MARD - Material master: Storage location MAST - Material link to BOM MBEW - Material valuation MLGN – Material Master: WM Inventory MLGT – Material Master: WM Inventory type MDIP - Material: MRP profiles (field contents) MKOP - Consignment price segment (...
itcpo-tdnoprev = 'X'.No print preview itcpo-tdgetotf = 'X'.Return of OTF table. No printing, display, or faxing 下面开始将ScriptForm数据转换成PDF格式的数据: data: binfilesize type i. data: i_tline type table of tline with header line, * convert OTF to PDF call function 'CONVER...
SAP查看PO跟Invoice的关系 1. T-code: ME23N,输入PO号码,转到“Purchase Order History"界面,可以查看Invoice的相关信息。2. T-code: MIR5, 输入相对应条件,可以查看到MIRO界面的相关信息,即Invoice及其对应的text(一般会输入reference PO)。3. T-code: SE16N,输入Table EKBE(History per Purc SAP PO SAP...
CDS Views: retrieve a field from table joins Hi,I am creating a CDS view in which I would like to retrieve a field that comes from the join of several tables and I am faced with the limit of CDS views or I do not know how to use them well.Here is an extract from my CDS (ve...
public Object openHubDestinationName() Get the openHubDestinationName property: The name of the Open Hub Destination with destination type as Database Table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the openHubDestinationName
1.BOPF的视图,直接基于TABLE中生成创建,视图名:**_I_**; 2.ODATA服务的视图基于BOPF的视图创建,视图名:**_C_**; 3.视图的命名规则只是建议,可自己用其它规则命名,SAP中好多视图也是安此规则命名的, 4.在第2步中,中基于TABLE生成的CDS视图,也可以是查询,此时命名可以是:**_Q_**; ...
options in Table TILM_STOR_O_ROUT Setup and Publishing of the SAP ILM Store Details of the Publishing of the ILM Store can be found in theILM Implementation Guide. Additional hints can also be found in the Blog -ILM Store Configuration- ...
Solved: Hi Gurus I want to extract the list of Open order quanity for a material against all the Open POs. Where does the Open order quantity get stored - in which table
ABAP简单好上手,是SAP系统核心语言,是入行SAP的好选择 使用SAP的公司都是大企业,入行后可以进入大...
onEditMode:function(){this.byId("editModeButton").setVisible(false);this.byId("saveButton").setVisible(true);this.byId("deleteButton").setVisible(true);this.rebindTable(this.oEditableTemplate,"Edit");} 实现onDelete函数: 代码语言:javascript ...