我有一个SAP Gateway OData-Service和一个本地Tomcat Apache Server。我的SAPUI5客户机部署在Tomcat中,并从SAP Gateway远程服务器请求OData-Webservice。实际上存在跨域错误。所以我在我的OData-Webservice和我的SAPUI5客户端请求中使用JSONP设置了头"Access-Control-Allow-Origin“,但是我会得到一个 浏览0提...
/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZBOOK_MANAGE_SRV/BookCollection 这里的 url 符合规范:/sap/opu/odata/sap/<OData 服务名称>/<Entity Set 名称> 我们在 Gateway Client 里执行读取 BookCollection 的请求,遇到意料之中的错误:500 Internal Server Error 本文将详细介绍如何使用这个诊断工具来定位这个 500 错误的根源。 汪子...
这里的 url 符合规范:/sap/opu/odata/sap/<OData 服务名称>/<Entity Set 名称> 我们在 Gateway Client 里执行读取 BookCollection 的请求,遇到意料之中的错误:500 Internal Server Error 本文将详细介绍如何使用这个诊断工具来定位这个 500 错误的根源。
But,I do not understand whenever i am trying to use below uri and click get and execute : /sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZQM_NOTIFICATION_SRV/zfetchSet/ It is giving me error : when i am running gateway service using browser it is giving me error. when i am using gateway client Please help....
1. Error when querying ODATA API entity USER : "ODATA Execution Error Code: 500-COE_GENERAL_SERVER_FAILURE Internal Server Error-Failed to retrieve result with given criteria.” 3. Query works without the filter criteria, however fails with the above err
经过我实际测试,发现取不到OData服务的metadata,报500 Internal Server Error的错误。 于是我把Neo环境里创建的Destination导出,再倒入到CloudFoundry环境,这次发现OData metadata终于能够成功返回了:发布于 2020-02-17 09:25 内容所属专栏 SAP 技术 本专栏包含 SAP 开发技术分享 订阅专栏 ...
svc/Products?$filter=(Rating%20eq%201) 500 (Internal Server Error) HTTP Status 500 - HTTP protocol error occurred while connecting to remote host http://services.odata.org When I reload the page and make read(), I can see that the update was successful. Here is my update() method: ...
com.sap.it.rt.adapter.http.api.exception.HttpResponseException: An internal server error occured: Request Payload Parsing Failed for one of the reason: (1) Either the OData metadata content available in the server is outdated OR (2) The request payload seems to be incorrect. Error Details :...
OData Proxy: Execution of request "POST /sap/bc/adt/businessservices/proxies/getmapping" failed: 500 Internal Server Error I copied and pasted a $metadata from a browser window and copied the Content into a file. Then imported it to create an OData proxy. The generation process ...
那么问题又来了,既然这个UI5应用最终部署在SAP云平台的CloudFoundry环境下,如果CloudFoundry环境没有对应的Destination,运行时的表现是怎样的? 经过我实际测试,发现取不到OData服务的metadata,报500 Internal Server Error的错误。 于是我把Neo环境里创建的Destination导出,再倒入到CloudFoundry环境,这次发现OData metadata终...