1. 移动类型(Movement Type)的定义:· T-CODE: OB52 (定义移动类型)· 在这里,为特定的内部移...
2024年SAPFICO面试基础知识 1. What are the sub modules of FI? GL – 总账 (General Ledger)AP – 应付账款(Vendor)AR – 应收账款(Customer)TR – 现金管理 (Treasury and Cash Management)AM – 资产管理(Assets Management)2. What is GL...
I am having a query on the posting periodsin OB52. I am aware that ob52 is a screen where we can open and close the posting periods. If I have a posting peroiod variant Z and I have assigned +(account type) then am not in need of metioning the from and to accounts and I would...
use of OB52 is maintain the open and close posting period for the Account Types, + Valid for all account types A Asset D Customer K Vendor S G/L Accounts M Matwerial Regards, Sreehari You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise...
8.Whatisaccounttypeusedfor? 2024年SAPFICO面试基础知识--第4页 2024年SAPFICO面试基础知识--第5页 是辨别不一样交易类型的措施并决定能够被过帐的会计形式。 例如,可将所有的会计凭证按业务类型不一样提成:总帐凭证、收款凭证、付款 凭证、 客户发票、供应商发票等。
ob52 相关的配 置完整,如 aum,pyl 等。 9.在清算往来账户时,使用记账差额、部分付款和剩余项目之间有什么区别? 答:在做直接的笼统清帐的时候,若直接双击簿记差别的话,因为簿记差别是没有关 联的, 它会将所有剩余余额转移到应付账款中,但如果用部分付款或剩余项目进行结算,则 它们将相关。如果要将剩余余额分类...
You have given authorization for auth group 0001 to user user and same is assigned in OB52. So user will able to post the entry in 9 & 10 period. For other user remove authorization for 0001 group. and assign some another group. Also assign the authorization group in all account type A...
open, you must always specify at least account type + (valid for all account types). From Account ~ To Account R Control the opening and closing of posting periods by account intervals. This means that you only open a posting period for posting to a specific account. From period1/year ~...
activity type---作业类型 overhead---间接费用 credit---贷方\ SAP 常用的事务码 一、前台界面常用的事务码: 1 查看成本中心组 KSH3 2 查看成本中心 KS13 3 查看利润中心与公司的对应关系 KE54 4 开财务账期 ob52 物料账期MMPV 5 创建会计凭证FB01(F-02)、修改会计凭证FB02、查看会计凭证FB03、FBV3 6 ...
in OB52 where i should click or what i should do for opening posting period for account type S. Thanks Raj former_member550050 Active Contributor 2010 Jan 30 0 Kudos Hi Hope you are doing this in test server If this is a real time issue this needs to be addressed by a FI cons...