SAP植根中国三十年,提供ERP、CRM、人力资源管理、数字化供应链、业务技术云平台、支出管理等解决方案。无论你的企业来自哪个行业、规模如何,SAP 都能为你提供卓越的云软件、数字化管理平台和可持续发展解决方案,助你转型成为新型中国企业。
Field selection std network -> PRT 字段选择标准网络 -> PRT OP5H Field selection insp.characteristics 字段选择检查特性 OP61 Number range maintenance: ROUTING_3 编号区间维护:工艺路线_3 OP69 Maintain wage type 维护工资类型 OP76 Define suitability 定义适宜性 OP7A Customizing matchcode for PRTs 系统...
WBS是树状的阶段、功能或对象拆解;而Network 网络 (活动及其关系) 是流程导向的任务拆解。简单地说,如果建造一座建筑,地基、地下室和屋顶可能是WBS元素,而抹灰和砌砖则是活动。所有的活动/工作放在一起称为网络。 活动和网络示例: 如上图所示,叉车制造项目(logistics projects) 被拆解为5个WBS元素:工程、计划、采购...
As customers move their SAP landscapes into Azure, it is not all about just replacing server, storage, and network infrastructure. As customer, you also look for replacing products, that you are using for such tasks like backup/restore, monitoring, archiving, etc. You want to simplify operation...
COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 40 RC -6 MODULE nixxi.cpp LINE 5088 DETAIL NiIRead: P=<host ipaddress>:<port>; L=<ipaddress>:<port> SYSTEM CALL recv ERRNO 10054 ERRNO TEXT WSAECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer COUNTER 1 at
- the local network CIDR is - the OpenShift's service network has the default range of 8.9.1. Configuring HTTP Proxy on the management host Please export the Proxy environment variables on your management host according to your Linux distribution. For RHEL, plea...
However employees will refer to the work as the old projects name, and this can cause employees to submit time to a closed project.Is there a way to restrict the network number inputs in CAT2 to only allow the submission of active WBS elements?Let me know, Thank you.aac_wwellsNewcomer...