保存SO,并重新MD02 Run Mrp,MD04查看需求状态,可见总体可用数量表现为缺料,即补货元素未考虑SO的需求。 若将Lot Size改为HB,并设置最大库存水平为2000,则Run Mrp后,补货数量为2000PC,而不是1000PC 下面将VB改为V1 Type,Lot Size 改回。。。 因V1的外部需求为2:包含提前期内的外部需求。 重新Run Mrp后,...
2.V2 外部需求中的自动重订货点:可参考外部需求累计生成补货元素 对于这2种的区参数区别,还是如前篇前讲在于Include ext.reqmts。 但与VB的区别有以下3点: 1)“预测标识符”(Forecastind.)字段:“VM”在这个字段上的值是“+”,即“强制预测”。这说明了凡是分配了MRP类型“VM”的物料,都必须同时激活预测功能。
– 这个是在联产品中用的 联产品需要设置主副产品的成本分配比例 需要用到这个的,MRP视图 – 收入本来就在开票时过账到WBSE上,后续通过结算规则结合分配结构转移到COPA去,原始成本要素是什么转出也可以直接沿用对应的成本要素 – 我之前做的一个WBS既有主营业务收入和主营业务成本,又有项目成本,就是靠源结构解决...
In the case of Manual Reorder Point Planning (MRP Type VB), when the Plant stock & firmed receipts for a given material fall below the reorder point, the planning for the material is triggered (a planning file entry is created). For this to happen, you would have to enter the Reorder ...
这种方法非常类似于MRP类型V1或V2中使用的重订货点。RF类型使用动态计算,通过将当前期间的预计消耗数量加上相关商品和门店的目标范围(在商品主数据”后勤”视图中设置的补货参数),自动计算目标库存。该目标库存是基于预测的销售方式确定的,预测运行是该方法的先决条件。 计算例子 商品906的RP类型型是RF(动态目标库存...
Hello,We have a request to include Dependent Requirements (SB), in materials that have a MRP type V2 (reorder point planning). By using the BADI, MD_ADD_ELEMENTS, we can see the requirements in MD04, but when we run the MRP Classic, the SB are ignore... ...
Hello,We have a request to include Dependent Requirements (SB), in materials that have a MRP type V2 (reorder point planning). By using the BADI, MD_ADD_ELEMENTS, we can see the requirements in MD04, but when we run the MRP Classic, the SB are ignore... 3 hours ago | Posted in...
Hello,We have a request to include Dependent Requirements (SB), in materials that have a MRP type V2 (reorder point planning). By using the BADI, MD_ADD_ELEMENTS, we can see the requirements in MD04, but when we run the MRP Classic, the SB are ignore... an hour ago | Posted in...
MRP type VB justs works based on stock levels with referance to Reorder point. If the stock falls below the reorder point then only the next procurement proposal is created. MRP type "V1" or "V2", then system will recogonise the dependent requirements and create Procurment proposals based...