u can move it to anther internal table and modify it . clear the sorted one and move the modified one back. do remember to use index and transporting parameters,. Reply Former Member 2008 Oct 29 10:21 AM 0 Kudos 725 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi try this code... ...
To choose an index, the optimizer checks the field names specified in the where clause and then uses an index that has the same order of the fields. One more tip is that if a table begins with MANDT, while an index does not, there is a high possibility that the optimizer might not u...
Hello, Could abyone please advice me...I'm trying to modify the database table with internal table, but its updating with new record rather modify the same... MODIFY dbtable FROM TABLE itab. 1st line fields are key fields... BAREA PLTYP PLAN_OPT BEGDA ENDDA VALUE_DATE space DMP...
To choose an index, the optimizer checks the field names specified in the where clause and then uses an index that has the same order of the fields. One more tip is that if a table begins with MANDT, while an index does not, there is a high possibility that the optimizer might not u...
Hi All, I want to sort internal table single field but based on this fields values preioritised. fields priority are: Field = 'aabb' Field = 'aaaa' Field = 'aacc' Field
Expand table FieldDescription ClientIDABAP client ID (MANDT) HostHost InstanceABAP instance, in the following syntax:<HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR> MessageNumberMessage number MessageTextMessage text SeverityMessage severity, one of the following values:Debug,Info,Warning,Error ...
Populate an internal table as follows: TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_line, col1 TYPE i, col2 TYPE i, col3 TYPE i, END OF ty_line, ty_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_line WITH EMPTY KEY. Before 7.40 DATA: gt_itab TYPE ty_tab, j TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_tab> TYPE ty_line.j= 1. ...
TASK: You want to select one row with a fully specified key into a tabular result You need neither SINGLE nor UP TO 1 ROWS: SELECT ... FROM dbtab WHERE full_key INTO TABLE itab. The result is tabular containing one line. It is written to an internal table. ...
This can be useful if you are uncertain which field holds the property values required. Get SAP element properties as collection Returns the properties of an SAP element as a single line list (single line collection / data table) instead of individual items, this maybe useful depending on ...
You can either use a DNS server or modify the /etc/hosts on all nodes. This example shows how to use the /etc/hosts file. Replace the IP address and the hostname in the following commands Bash sudo vi /etc/hosts Insert the following lines to /etc/hosts. Change the IP addres...