第二步,在程序中定义两个内表,与要维护的数据表 zemployee 结构一致,但为了方便 table control 的使用,特意增加一列 chk,后面会用到 chk: DATA:gs_emp1LIKEzemployee.DATA:BEGINOFgt_empOCCURS0,chkTYPEc.INCLUDESTRUCTUREgs_emp1.DATA:ENDOFgt_emp.DATA:gt_emp_saveLIKESTANDARDTABLEOFzemployee,gs_empLIKE...
Hello, Could abyone please advice me...I'm trying to modify the database table with internal table, but its updating with new record rather modify the same... MODIFY
Hi , i have a internal table I_VBAK (contains only 2 fields i wou;d like to modify the database table VBAK
Solved: Hi, I want to modify a z-table from an internal table. However the z-table has fewer columns hence I only want to write selected columns from my internal table.
database is. The system could be running, for example, an Oracle database, a Microsoft SQL database, or any other, and by using Open SQL in programs in conjunction with the ABAP dictionary to create and modify database tables, one can be certain that the ABAP code will not have any ...
Deletes the lines with the same primary key as the work area <wa>, or all of the lines from the database table with the same primary key as one of the lines in the internal table <itab>. The work area <wa> or the lines of the internal table <itab> must be at least as long...
Modify <database table> from table <itab>. Thanks & Regards, Navneeth K. Reply Former Member 2008 Oct 15 5:07 AM 0 Kudos 20,879 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, You can find the syntax to do so in F1 help provided by SAP, just type update in ABAP editer and ...
Right click on the package –> New –> Other ABAP Repository Object –> Select Database Table and enter the name of the table -> enter Description -> Next. Below is the code snippet to create a table. Step4 – Create class to pass data in table –ZTEST_EMPCLASS ...
Using ABAP To Modify Data In A Database Table11 个讲座 • 1 小时 16 分钟 Program Flow Control And Logical Expressions13 个讲座 • 1 小时 12 分钟还有5 个章节 要求 User level understanding of how to navigate the SAP GUI or previously completed course: https://www.udemy.com/learn-sap/...
1. Select Database Tables in the Dictionary Explorer.2. Choose Create Table from the context menu.3. Enter a name for the table.The following rules apply to table names:○ Table names must begin with a prefix (for example, the name of a component ‚FI_*’)....