SAP MM模块通过这些功能帮助企业实现物料管理的自动化和优化,提高物料管理的效率和效果,降低成本,增强企业的竞争力。跟MM相关的主数据主要有物料主数据,客户主数据,供应商主数据,如果是FICO模块,相关的主数据还有科目,固定资产,银行等主数据 物料主数据(Material Master Data)是整个物料管理模块的基石,物料主...
SAP-MM (Material Management) Purchasing Module Inventory Management. Logistic Invoice Verification. Master Data: The data in the consolidation system remains unchanged over a long period of time called master data. Transaction Data: The Data uses Mater data while creating transactions. Material Goods ...
Step 1) Enter transaction code MM02 in the command prompt Enter the material number whose material master data we want to change. Step 2) The next step is choosing the views for which data is to be changed. For example, we will choose sales organization data 2 view. You can choose one...
In SAP MM Module, material master data refers to all the material master record, that contains detailed information of materials such as unit measures, stock availability, valuations, sales data, plant data, MRP, etc. Material master data consists of the description of materials that an organizati...
MARA TRANSP MG Master Material Master: General Data MARC TRANSP MG Master Material Master: C Segment MARD TRANSP MG Master Material Master: Storage Location/Batch Segment MARM TRANSP MG Master Units of Measure MARV TRANSP MG Master Material Control Record ...
物料主数据(Material Master Data)是整个物料管理模块的基石,物料主数据资料设置的正确与否将直接影响到相关模块运作的精确程度。在设置物料主数据时SAP根据物料所属的部门/模块分成了不同的视图,维护一个物料可能要涉及到基本数据视图、销售数据视图、采购数据视图、MRP视图、工作计划视图、一般工厂数据视图、仓库管理视图...
OLMS C RM-MAT Master Data Menu C RM-MAT 主数据菜单 OMS1 Units of Measure Grouping 计量单位组 OMS2 C MM-BD Material Types C MM-BD 物料类型 OMS3 Configure Industry Sectors 设置行业部门 OMS4 C MM-BD Material Status C MM-BD 物料类型 ...
This guide describes master data only from the viewpoint of WM. For detailed information about material master data, as well as instructions for creating, changing, or displaying material master records, refer to theMM - Managing Material Master Datadocumentation. ...
Item level: material nbr, qty, CRD, unit price – 物料号,数量,要求到货日期,单价 (frommaterial master data) 同一张订单可以建多行物料,在item可以选择查看每行物料具体信息。 ME23N/ME53N查看采购订单/申请: Display purchase order / purchase requisition (PO/PR) ...