RBKP 发票校验-抬头-前台MIRO BELNR 发票凭证编号 GJAHR 会计年度 BLART 凭证类型 BLDAT 凭证日期 BUDAT 过帐日期 USNAM 用户名 TCODE 事务代码 CPUDT 输入日期 CPUTM 输入时间 VGART 交易类型 XBLNR 参照 BUKRS 公司代码 LIFNR 出票方 WAERS 货币 KURSF 汇率 RMWWR 总发票金额 BEZNK 未计划的交货成本 WMWST...
这样就会产生匚兑损益行, document currency 和 group currency amount者B是 0,而local currency amount为46.51 (根据SAP的清帐逻辑,这种由于汇率变化某一货币金额为 0而其 中另外某币别的金额不为0情况在MIRO时汇率变化时也经常发生,所以在SAP中,不要以为 Document currency 为 0, local currency amount 就一定...
CO-PC-ACT 3293168 Transaction MIRO show both error messages m8008 and c+514 CO-PC-ACT 2537912 S/4HANA CKM3: Data Unmigrated warning appears EHS-MGM-INC 2334130 Lessons Learned and Investigation Analysis are not populated in the Investigation Summary Report for category Incident EIM-DS-CON 330176...
Enter Purchase Invoice-MIROMIRO该凭证没有什么异常。Enter Sale InvoiceVF04回 gfrig dtKumcrC dl: .6tv En审时币ent 9ptE _ge打08 O谄巒 Q iMM 83 ti ri3 S 閨帥遴踊-盘iCBuntiiE! 日docimefits PawNet VAje弄躅SWWF g-340.40 CHYGArOKfA ER 5) 00 * hdKtmn CIVR仔 Q&tumenfi: Ed. flf...
Solved: I am facing a situation with MIRO. I am trying to create an incoming invoice w.r.t. a purchase order. In the vendor master, the payment term is ZZ14 ( A/C type:
EEPE1 Pension insurance/ Doprinos za mirovinsko osiguranje EEPE2 Pension insurance level 2/ Doprinos za mirov. osig. stup II ERHE Health insurance/ Doprinos za zdravstveno osiguranje ERIN Injury insurance/ Doprinos za zaštitu zdravlja na radu ...
4. 未经权益所有人同意不得将文件中的内容挪作商业或盈利用途。 5. 装配图网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑,并不能对任何下载内容负责。 6. 下载文件中如有侵权或不适当内容,请与我们联系,我们立即纠正。
This InfoSource contains invoice verification data coming from the ERP invoice verification process (for example, transaction MIRO). The InfoSource has a key figure for storing the price difference. There is no mapping for the key figure in the transformation from DataSource to InfoSource because ...