物料组(Material Group)在SAP中是物料主数据的一个关键字段,无组织机构级别。一般在采购信息记录(PIR)、采购订单(PO)等中使用。库存物料采购时,当输入物料编号,自动带出物料组;资产或费用型采购时,无物料号输入,只是输入文本,则需要手工维护物料组。 配置路径: IMG →后勤-常规 →物料主数据 →设置关键字段→定义...
VB01 - Create Material Listing/Exclusion 创建物料清单/排斥 VB02 - Change Material Listing/Exclusion 改动物料清单/排斥 VB03 - Display Material Listing/Exclusion 显示物料列表/排斥 VB04 - Reference Material Listing/Exclusion 參考物料列表/排斥 VB11 - Create Material Substitution 创建物料替代 VB12 - Cha...
SAP MM配置中的一些常用的 TCODE 1: OX14 – Define Valuation Area (Tick one only- Once your system go live, no more changes) Most company take the SAP recommended choice – Value Material Stock at Pla…
MM04 – Display the changes done to the material_master. MMAM – Change the Material Type. for e.g. from FERT to HALB Configure the Material_master Screen MM01 / MM02 / MM03 OMSR – Assign the field to the field group 分配字段到字段组 OMS9 – Maintain thedatascreen field 数据屏幕的...
4. Confirm account modification of account assignment category Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Account Assignment -> Maitain Account Assignment Categories 5. Maintain automatic posting configuration Tcode: OBYC
1、MM常用T-CODEMM01 创建一般物料 Create Material GeneralMM02 修改一般物料 Change MaterialMM03 显示一般物料 Display Materialmm04 显示修改 Display modifyMK01 建立供应商 Create vendor (Purchasing)MK02 修改供应商 Change vendor (Pur 2、chasing)MK03 显示供应商 Display vendor (Purchasing)Mk05 冻结供应...
如下配置路径可以实现为物料组分配valuation class: (TCode:OMQW) 如下图示,可以为用于无料号的服务或者物料所属的物料组分配valuation class, 这些valuation class出现在GBB这个transactionevent key的配置里,如下图 : 也就是说SAP里的物料组,除了用于常规的报表统计功能之外,还用于SAP科目确定的功能。
SAP常用T-Code汇总 常用T-CODE 创建一般物料CreateMaterial–General 修改一般物料ChangeMaterial 显示一般物料DisplayMaterial 显示修改Displaymodify 建立供应商Createvendor(Purchasing)修改供应商Changevendor(Purchasing)显示供应商Displayvendor(Purchasing)冻结供应商Blockvendor(Purchasing)在供应商上作标记以备删除(采购)Mark...
ME2C tcode in SAP MM (Purchasing in MM) module. This transaction code is used for Purchase Orders by Material Group. Here is it details, technical data, menu path etc.
SAP常用T-Code --- MM --- MM01创建一般物料CreateMaterial–General MM02修改一般物料ChangeMaterial MM03显示一般物料DisplayMaterial mm04显示修改Displaymodify MK01建立供应商Createvendor(Purchasing) MK02修改供应商Changevendor(Purchasing) MK03显示供应商Displayvendor(Purchasing) Mk05冻结供应商Blockvendor(Purchasi...