4.No check:该栏位如果打勾,则表示如果某料指定该Checking group,那么该料在任何进行Material check的...
Checking group 来自于物料主档,如下图 Checking Rule来自于应用程序,即不同的应用程序有不同的设定,如生产订单有生产订单的设定,销售订单有销售订单的设定等 SPRO->Production->Shop Floor Control->Operations->Availability Check->Define Checking Control 如上图,则是在PP模块中针对不同的PLANT + order type来...
Material entry type: 物料输入类型,目前怀疑和限制订单的物料输入有关,如果这个字段为空表明订单一定要输入物料 Item division: 决定订单ITEM中的DIVISION的来源。如果这个选项打上勾,则表明ITEM的DIVISION是来自MATERIAL MASTER,如果不打上则来自订单的抬头。这一点和CHECK DIVISION构成了cross-division sales的配置点。
Also you can maintain checking rule for back orders in plant parameters and when maintaining the MRP Group we need to define the dependent reqmts checking rule. Availability check for a material is carried out only if the material is 1. A stock item 2. Not a phantom item 3. Not a bul...
Solved: Hi, I'm trying to make a sales order for a FERT material and for a NLAG material, but the NLAG gives me this error: Document / 000010 has no checking group
Strategy Group (select one) 20 - MTO Production 40 - MTS With Final Assembly Availability Check: Your checking groups created before (only relevant for the finished product) In my example I created another KMAT Material with configuration and added that material as reference in the MRP3 view (...
you want to show all material information using MARA, and see wich materials are available in a storage location (MARD). Inner Join: Create a query using a Table Join. In the join, select MARA and MARD Note the connecting line, this shows you have an inner join. ...
Material Master c. Info record d. Outline agreement 5. What determines whether a material can be posted to a stock? a. Material type b. Material group c. Material Status d. MRP controllers MRP controllers The person responsible for a group of materials within MRP in a plant or company. ...
If so, you then need to check if availability check is actually switched on for the material; First, check if a checking group has been assigned to the material master and ensure "No Check" is not selected in transaction OVZ2. Then check the checking rule assigned to the order type in ...
-Stock determination group -Bulk material -Scheduling margin key -Safety stock -Strategy group -Consumption mode and consumption period -Availability checking group -Alternative selection flag -Dependent requirement flag for individual and collective requirements -Production scheduler -Production scheduling profi...