One reason for splitting of the 1st material would be because of Item category. Request you to check the copy control of the billing document and the item category (SPRO-IMG-Sales & Distribution-Billing-Billing Documents-Maintain copying controls for billing documents-Copying control: Sales documen...
MD04 standard item (item category TAB ) in sales order not shown in MD04 as a valid demand Root cause: there is no confirmed qty in schedule line, when try to do ATP, there is popup message Document / 000010 has no checking group (material master - plant data), but in material master...
R:從信息上看還是該種material type 的某valuation area 的 Quantity update沒有被允許,或許你還是要看看這裡. R:in the configuration of material type , you can configure a material type managed on a quantity basis. 12.OMWB 配置自动过帐.spro/物料管理/评估和科目设置/科目确定/无向导的科目确定/配置...
SAP针对不同的账户定义了不同的类型, 具体包括: Assets-资产(a) Customer-客户(d) Vendor-供应商(k) Material-物料(m) G/L account-总账科目(s) 其中物料科目比较特殊,不可直接记帐,仅可以通过物流方式由系统产生凭证。另外四类都可以通过凭证录入直接记帐。 • Account-账户: 关于account一词,感觉翻译为账...
首先,首先从 SAP Table MAST检索BOM 链接。MAST表存储材料到 BOM 链接。 Material BOM Link 的一些关键字段是: MAST KEYSDESCRIPTION MATNR Material Number WERKS Plant STLAN BOM Usage STLNR Bill of Material SAP BOM Usage BOM 用法定义物料在哪个流程中链接到 BOM。 为了获得STLAN的所有值(BOM 使用),请转...
In actions, procedures, conditions, and constraints, you can use tables to infer values.在操作、程序、条件和约束中,您可以使用Table来推断值。In constraints, you can use tables to restrict the allowed values for a characteristic.在约束中,您可以使用Table来限制某特征的允许值。Material Variant and ...
a promotion number is maintained in the reference document item the reference document item contains a material that is a variant referencing a generic material (higher-level item) Otherwise the reference document item is adopted in the allocation table. The item category can be changed in the al...
Table 2. SAP material master data hierarchy Material master data in SAP corresponds to item and inventory data inMaximo Manage. After you configure both products for the integration, they can exchange item and inventory data. Maximo Manageand SAP exchange the following types of item and inventory...
Table 2. SAP material master data hierarchy Material master data in SAP corresponds to item and inventory data inMaximo Manage. After you configure both products for the integration, they can exchange item and inventory data. Maximo Manageand SAP exchange the following types of item and inventory...
For example, unmapped business processes might be simple release or approval procedures, or more complex business processes such as creating base material and then coordinating the associated departments. Available by using RFC based on standard SAP tables. This log is generated per client.ABAP...