可以在循环内表时增加与删除当前行:If you insert or delete lines in the statement block of aLOOP, this will have the following effects: If youinsertlinesbehind(后面)the current line, these new lines will be processed in the subsequent loop(新行会在下一次循环时被处理)passes. An endless loop(...
Not sure what your requirement is, but first you don't need to have the total records in the AT LAST event. Put that outside of the loop. The AT LAST event will only be fired after the very last record of the loop. I'm assuming that you want to SUM the sum fields of the inter...
3 使用at new, at first, at last, at end of的时候要注意:loop的时候不能加条件;at和endat之间不能使用loop into的working area。手动实现at new, at end of的时候,需要注意,容易出错,尤其是在at end of的时候。 4 一般情况下,更新数据库需要commit,但debug会自动commit,程序结束也会自动commit。 5 对于...
endloop. This code works fine in 'A' mode,but at last record a message comes 'Function code cannot be selected' (i think 'next' cannot be executed as it is last record) but all records are updated. When the mode is changed to 'N' and 'E',nothing is saved and the same error '...
155 LOOP AT ZBESTAND1. 156 IF I_MSEG-MENGE > ZBESTAND1-ENDMENGE. 157 MESSAGE E398(00) WITH 'Negative Stock not allowed !!'. 158 159 ENDIF. 160 161 ENDLOOP. 162 163 * BREAK ANJANC. 164 Contents of system fields Name Val. SY-SUBRC 0 SY-INDEX 0 SY-TABIX 1 SY-DBCNT 0 ...
LOOP AT lt_soli INTO lw_soli. * IF lw_soli-line CS 'FS Item'. IF lw_soli-line CS '---'. CONTINUE. ELSEIF lw_soli-line CS '|---'. CONTINUE. ELSEIF lw_soli-line CS '|'. SPLIT lw_soli-line AT '|' INTO gv_string1 gv_string2. CONCATENATE gv_string_zfi054 gv_string1 ...
METHODget_instance_features.READENTITIESOFzrk_i_pur_con_udINLOCALMODEENTITY PurConFIELDS(ConUuid ObjectId Buyer StatCode ReleasedAtLeastOnce)WITHCORRESPONDING#(keys)RESULTDATA(lt_con).LOOPATlt_conASSIGNINGFIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_con>).APPENDINITIALLINETOresultASSIGNINGFIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_result>).<fs_result...
LOOP AT p_stoken. CLEAR i_userexit. * * Workflow IF p_wflow = c_x. IF p_level EQ '1'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass) IF p_stoken-str+1(16) CS 'SWE_EVENT_CREATE'. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ''' IN p_stoken-str WITH ''. i_userexit-type = 'WorkFlo...