TABLES: ZTKT_XYXX, ZTKT_XYKQ. *定义变量及初始化 DATA: gs_index, gt_table TYPE TABLE OF ztkt_xyxx, gs_table TYPE ztkt_xyxx, gt_edit TYPE TABLE OF ztkt_xykq, gs_edit TYPE ztkt_xykq. *获取数据库数据 SELECT * FROM ztkt_xyxx INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE gt_table WHERE zxh...
DatasetListResponse DatasetLocation DatasetReference DatasetResource DatasetResource.Definition DatasetResource.DefinitionStages DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.Blank DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource DatasetResource.Defini...
*ALVLIST报表——05定义页脚REPORTZHY01_HY101_20220627_01line-SIZE40LINE-COUNT6(2)NOSTANDARDPAGEHEADING.TOP-OF-PAGE."报表程序不使用标准页眉,而是使用 TOP-OF-PAGE 之后的自定义页眉。 WRITE: 'Page With Header and Footer'. ULINE at /(27). end-OF-PAGE. ULINE. WRITE: /30'Page',sy-pagno."...
For a complete list of tested and supported infrastructure platforms, please refer to OpenShift Container Platform 4.x Tested Integrations. The persistent storage in this case must be provided by the cloud provider. Please see refer to Understanding persistent storage (4.12) / (4.10) for a ...
1、TABLES IN SAP1CUSTOMISING31.1General settings3Countries3Currency3Unit of measure3Calendar functions31.2Enterprise structure3Definition3Assignment31.3Financial accounting4Company code4Fi document41.4Not categorized42BASIC DATA / ADMINISTRATION52.1Workbench related tables5Data dictionary tables5Workbe 2、nch52.2...
Navigate the server tree to the appropriate IR database, access your tables. In this example, the path is Servers(2)\roaperflabvm3\Databases\SAP_UDLP_EAMClient\Schemas(1)\public\Tables (81). The list of tables in your IR database are visible. Locate the table autojoin_control, right ...
Purchase order history documents are saved in 2 main tables: EKBE and EKBZ. Once these tables present a considerable number of entries, each time you access MIRO and enter a document as a reference, the system will need to search for all the historical documents and this will seriously affec...
During mpsl and mpfree installation methods, one needs to append --enable-kaniko=yes to the list of Additional Installation Parameters or SLP_EXTRA_PARAMETERS. See Kaniko Image Builder for more information. Executing the installation script Run the SDH installer as described in Manually ...
2、请求地址: 一、准备工作 1.获取AppKey&AppSecret(每家供应商可能不一样) 2.获取token(拼接成url) 3.根据URL生成HTTP代理 4.设置 HTTP 版本 5.将HTTP代理设置GET方法 6.发送HTTP请求 7.获取返回的数据 8.关闭HTTP链接 9.将字符...
*REPORTztest_call_mb51.TYPE-POOLS:abap.TABLES:mseg,mara,mard.DATA:flag(01)TYPEcVALUE'X',"Name for compatibility with MB03 "MAAEhP4no_list(01)TYPEcVALUE'X'."Do not show the list "MAAEhP4DATA:BEGINOFexport_listOCCURS0,matnrTYPEmseg-matnr,maktxTYPEmakt-maktx,werksTYPEmseg-werks,name1...