SAP UB类型的STO能自动创建交货单? SAP系统里,对于Stock Transfer Order这种单据,是支持其outbound delivery自动创建的。 当然这种功能比较少用。项目实践中,业务人员创建好了STO单据后,多会以手工方式执行事务代码VL10B等为STO单据创建一个外向交货单。 本文就是讲解SAP标准系统如何为STO单据自动创建外向交货单的。 Par...
Stock movement can happen between plant to plant with different company code which we refer as Inter company STO (Stock transfer order). Return can take place from receiving plant to supply plant due to the various reasons (e.g. - product defect, damage etc.) This document ...
In SAP STO, the document flow involved in the STO includes purchase requisitions, purchase orders, outbound and inbound deliveries, etc. It ensures a comprehensive and interconnected record of the stock transfer process. The following sections will cover various reasons for using STO and how to ge...
二步?发货?总数应为90个有10个为在途库存见下图?应为313?接收?mb1b??315??或?migo对物料凭证收获?1mb1b??315??10个在途库存?2migo?物料票凭证收货??mmbe查看?查看同一工厂的在途库存 St 三种方式 一步转储 二 一、 1 2、 发货 接收 1 2、 MMBE 查看同一工厂的在途库存: 标准查看库存: 查看 3 1 ...
STO的全称为Stock Transfer Order,通常翻译为转出单,具体的流程在《SAP那些事-实战篇-22-关于公司间业务的总结》中介绍,以下是针对系统中对于STO中关于EDI部分配置以及测试中常见问题进行介绍。 STO EDI相关配置如下: 1. SM59配置RFC连接(ABAP Connections); ...
Whenever you need to transfer the materials from one plant to another plant belonging to one company or belonging to two company code stock transfer order is raised by the delivering company. STO: Transfer of goods from one location to another location,it may be between plants within the same...
Stock Transfer & Transfef Posting MB1B 三种方式: 库存调拨, 物理地点变化 转移过账,状态变化 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 3 p. 创业融资与商业计划书 2 p. 2014人教版历史选修6《世界文化遗产的保护和可持续利用》word同步测试 3 p. 纳米蒙脱土环氧树脂胶粘剂制备工艺优化选择.pdf 5 p. ...
But in the status bar there will be an information see log of creating deliveries Second from the background button in the application tool bar or The fourth button in the entire list of buttons in the application tool bar there is a button called show/hide deliveries If you click that ...
SAP MM 公司间退货STO的交货单PGI报错 -Purchase order 4500000773 does not contain items for a stock transfer- 1,如下是一个公司间退货STO单据相关的外向交货单, 对应的公司间退货STO单据是4500000776, 已经对该交货单执行过MIGO收货(反向收货,其实就是发货),如下图示凭证流, ...
● You can enter a vendor (freight vendor) in the stock transport order.● Delivery costs can be entered in the stock transport order.● The stock transfer order is part of MRP: Purchase requisitions that were created in MRP can be converted into stock transport orders....