The predicate function line_exists can be considered as a short form of the statement READ TABLE with the addition TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS following by sy-subrc being checked. Reply Shruthi29 Explorer 2022 Feb 21 8:03 AM 0 Kudos 1,417 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi , lin...
LINE_EXISTS( ) The predicate functionline_existscan be considered as a short form of the statementREAD TABLEwith the additionTRANSPORTING NO FIELDSfollowing bysy-subrcbeing checked. The predicate functionline_existscannot be used to determine the row number in a table index of a search key, since...
the exception was no longer an influence (to be expected) line_exists( )became a poor choice in my scenario, because we need to double up the the search in order to also read the record: IFline_exists(itab[id=find_id ]).row=itab[id=find_id ]. To summarise: If you don't need...
Solved: Hi all, we got a strange syntax error while using the function line_exists() inside the COND-operator. Here is the generalized coding therefore (rf_result is of
value_tab=lt_help*FIELD_TAB =return_tab =lt_return*DYNPFLD_MAPPING =*EXCEPTIONS*PARAMETER_ERROR = 1*NO_VALUES_FOUND = 2*OTHERS = 3.IFsy-subrc <>0.*Implement suitable error handling hereENDIF.IFline_exists( lt_return[1] ). ztfi_zbztyp_help-zzbztype = lt_return[1]-fieldval.ENDIF....
IF line_exists( itab[ ... ] ). ... ENDIF. Get table index DATA idx type sy-tabix. READ TABLE ... TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. idx = sy-tabix. DATA(idx) = line_index( itab[ ... ] ). NB: There will be a short dump if you use an inline expression that references a non-existe...
6、dule line exists for the item or if the confirmed quantity of the item is smaller than the order quantity. 然后你双击行项目,在计划行栏目,就可以看到,它确实存在多重计划行,表示订单数量和确认的数量不一致时,就存多重计划行,意思是存在多次交货的计划。 谢谢xiexs74,你说的没错,那我想问一下这...
For an example, see the Red Hat documentation for Creating a Microsoft Entra Application. To avoid frequent password expiry, use the Azure Command-Line Interface (Azure CLI) to create the Service Principal identifier and password instead of the Azure portal.Prerequisites...
ifNOTline_exists(lt_selections[ fieldname='REFDOCNO_ERP_I']).return.endif. Instead execution of often unnecessary selection in the loop "remove every line from selections which are not docnos or erpnos or whsDELETElt_selectionsWHERE(fieldnameNE'DOCNO_H'ANDfieldnameNE'REFDOCNO_ERP_I'ANDfie...