Explore, plan and implement SAP Fiori, the latest user experience from SAP including all relevant content for the SAP Fiori launchpad. Watch this video and find out how to get the most out of SAP Fiori apps reference library. Find out how you can take advantage of SAP Fiori with our SAP...
官网地址:Fiori Apps Library 顾名思义,这是SAP官方发布的一个Fiori应用检索工具,所有标准发布的Fiori应用的明细都能在这个工具里查到。 截至到Jerry写这篇文章的时候,这个网站上显示已经存在11949个Fiori标准应用了: 2015年Fiori 1.0时代,UI风格称为Blue Crystall,当时Jerry还在SAP成都研究院的CRM Fiori开发团队工作,...
官网地址:https://fioriappslibrary.hana.ondemand.com/sap/fix/externalViewer/index.html 顾名思义,这是SAP官方发布的一个Fiori应用检索工具,所有标准发布的Fiori应用的明细都能在这个工具里查到。截至到Jerry写这篇文章的时候,这个网站上显示已经存在11949个Fiori标准应用了:2015年Fiori 1.0时代,UI风格称为B...
For private cloud and on-premise, you can choose when to move to the web-based SAP Fiori user experience, using the SAP Fiori launchpad instead of the SAP GUI for Windows UI. Take the private cloud product tour Browse the SAP Fiori Apps Reference library ...
Whether your role is in business, IT or development, the Fiori Apps Library is the definitive resource for Fiori application details. This course teaches you how to make the most of SAP's online catalog of Fiori applications. Learn how to navigate & filter the library, how to search for ...
With SAP Fiori Apps Library, enterprises are provided with a modern, user-friendly, and intuitive user interface experience. Fiori Apps Library contains SAP’s module-specific applications. These modules include: SAP Material Management SAP Sales & Distribution SAP Human Capital Management SAP Customer...
SAP Fiori Designer URL: http://<host>:<port>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/arsrvc_upb_admn/main.html 重要的T-codes 04 标准SAP Fiori App实施步骤 APP实施细节 SAP针对每个App都提供了完整的实施信息,通过以下链接可以查看: https://fioriappslibrary.hana.ondemand.com/sap/fix/externalViewer/index.html#/...
With SAP Fiori you can Create a consumer-grade user experience, turning casual users into SAP experts and empowering power users with simple screens that run on any device Quickly build and customize your own apps that are enterprise-ready, adaptive, accessible, simple, and delightful Easily adapt...
For private cloud and on-premise, you can choose when to move to the web-based SAP Fiori user experience, using the SAP Fiori launchpad instead of the SAP GUI for Windows UI. Take the private cloud product tour Browse the SAP Fiori Apps Reference library ...
第一步我们要查看SAP Fiori应用参考库 请大家务必保存这个网址,在以后的练习和工作中,大家会常常用到。 https://fioriappslibrary.hana.ondemand.com/sap/fix/externalViewer/#/home SAP Fiori参考库简介 可以找到现在所有SAP官方发布的Fiori APP; 可以找到安装和配置一个Fiori APP所需要的技术信息; ...