xavierlegarrec 12 View all Featured Topics The Impact of the Digital Services Act (DSA) on SAP Community Community Resources These materials will help you participate and connect with other members. Rules of Engagement SAP Community participants should be respectful, supportive, and professional. Get...
在configuration 根節點下,如果不存在,請加入 configSections 專案。 在configSections 節點下,如果不存在,請新增具有下列屬性的 section 元素:name="SapAdapterSection" type="Microsoft.Adapters.SAP.Common.SapAdapterSection, Microsoft.Adapters.SAP.Common" 重要 如果現有元素已經存在,請勿變更現有 section 元素中的屬...
This blog shows demonstration of how individual Pick HU can be created for each Warehouse task in a single Warehouse Order. Business Scenario: For a Single Warehouse order with a multiple warehouse task, each warehouse task should have an individual Pick HU created automatically. Configuration:Create...
If you're using the data connector agent, make sure to also enter the relevant values and use the relevant procedures when configuring the SAP data connector agent container. If you're using the agentless solution, the SNC configuration is done in the SAP Cloud Connector.Configure...
I wrote this configuration guide for Logistics Execution Transportation (LE-TRA) sometime ago for my own reference and kept updating it while my company was changing, projects were going on, merges, acquisitions and etc. I decided to share with this community, as it can be a good reference ...
PROGRAM=UCUWB000FORM=START_WORKBENCHDATA=LT_CONFIGURATION_SET Table reference: 1759 TABH+ 0(20) = 4804D4E82A000000000000000000000000000000 TABH+ 20(20) = DF060000013000000300000030000000FFFFFFFF TABH+ 40(16) = 04000000600800000300A40580000000
RHEL System Roles for SAP, which can be used to automate the configuration of a RHEL system to run SAP workloads. Smart Management and Red Hat Insights for lifecycle management and proactive optimization. Update Services and Extended Update Support: Update Services for SAP Solutions provides suppor...
The SSM document creates symbolic links (symlinks) in the SAP HANA global directory for the Backint configuration. Verify that the symlink for hdbbackint exists in the /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt directory and the symlink for aws-backint-agent-config.yaml exists in the /usr/sap/<SID...
2. Unset the version which was originally set in yum configuration:Raw # rhui-set-release --unset If the above command doesn’t work for you, please useRaw # rm /etc/yum/vars/releasever and request your Cloud Provider to upgrade RHUI version.3...
TIP: Please change the log mode if you don’t want to be spend time on log maintenance: In HANA studio –> Configuration –> global.ini –> persistence and set the parameter log_mode to overwrite. When you change the log mode, you must restar...