在SAP ABAP程序中,除了原有的很多方法,比如调用function job_open,job_submit 和job_close之外,我们还可以通过SM62中定义的事件(event)来触发后台job,下面我们来介绍如何通过SM62来定义事件来触发后台JOB,希望对大家能有所帮助! 功能需求描述:CJ20N删除某WBS后,根据自定义的项目定义关系表,查找对应项目的WBS,实现实...
SAP通过事件触发后台JOB 在SAP ABAP程序中,除了原有的很多方法,比如调用function job_open,job_submit 和job_close之外,我们还可以通过SM62中定义的事件(event)来触发后台job,下面我们来介绍如何通过SM62来定义事件来触发后台JOB,希望对大家能有所帮助! 功能需求描述: CJ20N删除某WBS后,根据自定义的项目定义关系表,...
* CALL FUNCTION 'JOB_SUBMIT' * EXPORTING * authcknam = sy-uname * jobcount = l_number * jobname = l_name ** PRIPARAMS = ' '打印参数 * report = 'YMAIS_SUST' ** VARIANT = ' '可通过变式来传递参数 CALL FUNCTION'JOB_CLOSE' EXPORTING jobcount=l_number jobname=l_name strtimmed='...
* CALL FUNCTION 'JOB_SUBMIT' * EXPORTING * authcknam = sy-uname * jobcount = l_number * jobname = l_name ** PRIPARAMS = ' '打印参数 * report = 'YMAIS_SUST' ** VARIANT = ' '可通过变式来传递参数 CALL FUNCTION'JOB_CLOSE' EXPORTING jobcount=l_number jobname=l_name strtimmed='...
Solved: Hi gurus, im trying to scheduke several jobs using the FM Job close, but the jobs are running paralel.. The first job its' schedule with a start date or
One option is to create a new job each time using JOB_OPEN and start the 2nd job after the 1st job has completed. You need to use the parameters PREDJOB_CHECKSTAT, PRED_JOBCOUNT and PRED_JOBNAME in the function JOB_CLOSE. -Kiran *Please reward useful answers Reply Former Member In...
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Hi gurus, I need to know if there is any way to schedule various jobs using the FM job_open job_submit and job_close. Like schedule the first job for a date and a hour
Step 4 - Close Job: Once above steps completed we can close the job using the same jobid. Here we need to pass the xml data with status closed to salesforce using the url with job id to close the job. CCBPM:Import Parameter
1.programatically ( job_open , job_close) 2.thorugh sm36 ( defining a job & scheduling) doing something programmatically certainly has an advantage of automation... there may be cases wherein depending on certain conditions u need to run different programs in the background.. so this can be...