SAP Job Scheduling Service Define and manage one-time and recurring jobs or Cloud Foundry tasks. SAP Job Scheduling service allows you to define and manage jobs that run once or on a recurring schedule. Use this runtime-agnostic service to schedule action endpoints in your application or long-...
You can always unbind and bind the Job Scheduling service instance after having updated the XSUAA service (after bind: restage or restart the app). These commands are useful: cf unbind-service <yourappname> jobschedulerinstance cf bind-service <yourappname> jobschedulerinstance cf restage <youra...
jobStatusGet Object literals functionImports Functions jobAbort jobAbort(parameters: JobAbortParameters): FunctionImportRequestBuilder<JobAbortParameters, FuncImpReturn> Defined in vdm/external-job-scheduler-service/function-imports.ts:112 Invoke action JobAbort. Parameters parameters: JobAbo...
Job Scheduler 用户指南 Job Scheduler 简介 配置和运行 Job Scheduler 使用模板创建作业 通过命令行使用 Job Scheduler 命令语法 故障排除 Job Scheduler 用户指南 本用户指南将介绍使用 Job Scheduler 定义和调度数据库管理及维护任务的方法。 此页面有帮助吗? 是否...
Learn More Analyst research SOAPs: How workload automation is evolving according to Gartner® Workload Automation Trends Learn about the evolution of job scheduling and workload automation solutions into Service Orchestration and Automation Platforms (SOAPs).Changes to IT environments and processes have...
SAP Connectivity service, Cloud, SAP Business Technology Platform Quicklinks: Summary Reference Sample project files This is the next round of our Application Router learning. In the first part: the basics In the second part: add user login In this part: use one login and reuse it to call...
只是单纯的描述描述这个Job的作用,方便查找和日志查询。 2、action参 参数的具体使用,如下图所示: matinal 使用action关键字可以定义要作为XS作业的一部分运行的函数,例如,XS JavaScript或SQLScript。需要以下语法: “action” : “<package.path>:<XSJS_Service>.xsjs::<functionName>”. ...
我们需要为后面的JOB修改一下参数,在indexserver.ini参数文件里,默认情况下,repository下的sqlscript_mode是default,建议修改为UNSECURE。因为default模式下是read only状态,无法进行insert操作。 还有一点,在xsengine.ini参数文件里,添加scheduler节点,并且添加enabled属性,值设置为true。这两点的参数分别如下图所示: ...
(4*内存容量); SAP认证网站:/dmc/exp/2014-09-02-hana-hardware/enEN/appliances.html 16 SAP解决方案服务支持 17 Support IBM Spectrum Scale Customer SAP HANA Lenovo Hardware Support Service Marketplace Issue Integrated Lenovo SAP Solution Support Team for SAP HANA Optional Solution Support Managed ...
building and operating the fundamental Services/Middle Wares. It includes messaging service, Search service, Cache Service, Session Service, Configuration Service, Intelligent traffic management, Transaction management, Database Pool management,kanzhunJob Scheduler, Big Data computing system, ELK etc. With...