使用建议的过程从门户安装数据连接器代理时,不支持此日志。 用于查询以下日志的 Microsoft Sentinel 函数:SAPTableDataLog “相关 SAP 文档”:SAP 帮助门户 “日志用途”:为那些对审核至关重要或容易受到审核的表提供日志记录。 可通过将 RFC 与自定义服务一起使用获得。 此日志使用所有客户端中的数据生成。 ABAPTabl...
它应该具有 inter 子网的地址空间,并且 listeninterface 应设置为 .internal。 验证 internal_hostname_resolution 部分。 它应该具有属于 inter 子网的 HANA 虚拟机的 IP 地址。 Bash 复制 sudo cat /usr/sap/HN1/SYS/global/hdb/custom/config/global.ini # Example from SITE1 [communication] inter...
The naming conventions of the storage volumes are listed in the following table (where SID is the HANA instance System ID and Tenant is an internal enumeration of operations when deploying a tenant): Storage usage Mount name Volume HANA data /hana/data/SID/mnt0000<m> ...
一. Internal Table 的宣告 ABAP/4中的Internal Table是一种Data Structure,类似于其它语言中的STRUTURE,它可以由几个不同类型的字段(field)组成,用来表示具有不同属性的某一事物,单独一笔数据表示某个事物,多笔数据表示具有相同属性的多个事物.例如: 为了存取或记录某班的同学资料,我们创建如下的internal table: DA...
table_t041a_empty = 3 transaction_code_invalid = 4 amount_format_error = 5 too_many_line_items = 6 company_code_invalid = 7 screen_not_found = 8 no_authorization = 9 OTHERS = 10. IF sy-subrc = 0. message ‘ok’ type ‘S’ . ...
接着是声明一个每一行的类型是line的internal table: DATA itab TYPE line OCCURS 0. 我在暂时把OCCURS作为了区别工作区和内表的标志. OCCURS应该有更深层次的意义,但我目前只能领悟至此... 当我们用以上这个方法来声明一个iternal table时,可以选择是否有无header line. ...
Oracle 8.1.7 sap 46C用adm登录svrmgrlconnect internal/*本句用来,查询一下,是否有此记录。正常情况下,显示: 1 row(s) selected. */__select * from sapr3.usr02 where bname=’SAP’ and mandt=’000’;/删除此记录。防止拼错,最好直接从上一句copy/__delete from sapr3.usr02 where bname=’SAP’...
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error The Adt Icf node and repository service has been activated. Could you please help with the issue. regards, Omkar. former_member532656 Explorer 2023 Apr 03 7:00 AM 0 Kudos Hell Omkar, i am also facing the same issue. < HTTP/1.1...
If using ODF in internal mode, at least additional 3 (starting) nodes are recommended. Alternatively, the Compute nodes outlined above can also run ⑂ ODF pods. In that case, the hardware specifications need to be extended accordingly. The following table lists the minimum requirements for each...